Oil And Water

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I reappeared back on top of the tower in the middle of the bridge. I stood on the edge and watched the enforcers. A few at the front tried to stop, afraid of the magic sparks that hung in the air. However the ones behind forced them forward, it made a small conflict. Momentary chaos that was quickly lost, it made me laugh.

I pulled my mask down and walked off towards Piltover. My magic took hold again and I appeared on a roof in Piltover.

"Come on. Where to?"

A voice caught my attention. I walked towards it and crouched flown on the edge. Below on the street Vi helped Caitlyn to her feet and the two set off into the city. I followed.

It was morning by the time they made it back. Caitlyns home. The grand mansion that made me both jealous and sad. Vi and Caitlyn scaled the wall and Vi pushed the window open. She checked before hopping through and helping Caitlyn. The two bearly made it in before Cassandra kicked down the door with a gun.

I watched from across the street, perched on the roof of another mansion. I had pulled my mask and hid myself as well as I could.

Caitlyn hugged her parents and spoke to them while Vi stood stuned. After Caitlyn and her parents left the room and closed the door, leaving Vi alone.

After a minute Vi looked around, soon opening the window more and leaning on the sill.

"You know you're shit at hiding." She said.

I stood "Actually I'm amazing at it, everything's just too clean here."

Vi laughed "Don't I know it." She turned her head and looked at me "Who are you?"

"A friend of Jinx. You know what she did after you left, again?"

"I had to leave!" She snapped "She was gonna kill us! And her name is Powder."

"Was Powder, its been years, people change. And she didn't want to, she was angry and confused."

"What did she do?" Vi asked, ignoring the truth.

"That fire light kicked the crap outta her and she almost killed herself with a bomb."

"Killed herself?" Vi reapeted.

I nodded "She almost fucking died."

Vi was shocked, she looked away and down at the street. I steped back from the edge and jumped off the building.

"I didn't want to leave her." She said.

I landed soundless beside her, sitting on the windowsill "I know. Marcus took you. She didn't know that, she thought you left her, and died."

"How?" Vi asked, looking at me again.

I shrugged.

"Where is she now?" Vi asked.

"Silco took her, he's gonna take care of her."

"Silco?" Vi shouted "You trusted Silco with her? He doesn't love her, I do."

"Well you ran off with your new girlfriend. And Silco hasn't hurt her before so."

"How do you know he hasn't hurt her?"

"I said, I'm her friend. She'd tell me, or I'd see."

"You work for Silco." Vi assumed, looking back down.

"No, I'm just Jinxs friend." I stood "I hope you find some peace knowing I'll protect her, weather she's Powder or Jinx. I'll love her."

Vi nodded "Thank you."

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