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An alarm rang out in Laura's room, waking her up abruptly. She rolled over and slammed her hand onto the ringing clock. After the ringing stopped she heard footsteps from the corridor leading to her room. She quickly pulled her sheet over her head, trying to go back to sleep and ignore what the day may bring her. The footsteps became louder and louder until they stopped. The sheet was slowly removed from over her head by someone else, her father.

"Good morning Laura. It's time to get ready for your last year of school!" He was way too hyper for her. "Dad, you know I could get up myself."

"It didn't seem like it, since you've been laying here for the past minutes with a blanket over your head." He joked. "Now hurry up and get ready, breakfast is downstairs and you don't want to be late."

Now that she was fully awake, she finally realized that it was Monday, the first day of senior year. As soon as the man left her room and shut her door, she quickly started digging through her closet for something to wear.

As she mumbled to herself, throwing clothes on the bed, her phone started ringing. "Hello?" She spoke into the phone. "Hey, Laura!" It was Peter. "Hey, Peter, what's up?"

"You ready for another year of Midtown High?" "Are you?" She asked back as she placed down the perfect outfit for the first day. "Not really, and I know that if I am not ready for the first day, then you surely aren't" He laughed through his sentence. "Definitely not ready either. So, are you riding your skateboard to school like you have throughout all grades, or are you going to allow my mother to drop you and me both off at school?" Laura asked as she made her way to the bathroom.

"I think I'll have to go with the free ride to school." He answered. "Oh, you thought it was free?" She giggled after she finished the sentence knowing that the ride to school was free, he also giggled which made her smile.

Laura had a crush on Peter since the beginning of middle school, now that it's the last year of high school, she thinks it's too late but her best friend Nyra doesn't think so. She thinks that they are meant to be lovers, no matter how many times Laura says that it's foolish for her to think that, she insists.

"Okay well, I'm going to go eat breakfast now. See you soon!" Peter said before hanging up the phone. She smiled and continued getting ready.


"Slow down, Laura! It's not like the car is going to drive away and leave you here." Her mother scolded. Laura's mother was very serious when it came to appearances and manners. "Mom, I am just eating you can chill out," Laura replied after she finished her breakfast.

Her father walked over and took the plate from in front of her and placed it into the kitchen sink. She watched her mother roll her eyes and get up from her seat at the table. "I'll be in the car, do not take too long."

Her mother placed a swift kiss on Mr. Thompson's lips and picked up her bag to leave out. "Ever since I told her I wanted to be a writer she's been shutting me out. Why does she have an issue with what I want to do?" Laura asked her father as she picked up her backpack. "Your mother just really wants you to go to college as something in the field of science, or something medical. Hence why she signed you up as an intern in Dr. Osborn's group today after school." He rubbed his hand on his neck before she realized what he said.

"She did what?!" Laura shouted. "No need to shout, she just really wants you to follow in our footsteps." "But it's not her dream, she already achieved it. It's my dream to write and maybe become a big author one day. Maybe a reporter."

After she finished that sentence, her mother honked the horn of their car. "We'll talk about this after school." He reached in and hugged his daughter before sending her off. "Have an amazing day at school, please enjoy your last year of school. And do not let Ms. Grumpy ruin your day." He placed a kiss on her forehead before she left out.

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