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Peter jumped when he saw the man standing there.

"Hello, I hope it's okay I just came through this... It just closed." The man waved. He smiled happily at the 3 and looked around the room. Ned and MJ looked around in shock and were sad they couldn't find their Peter.

"You're Peter?" MJ asked him with a saddened look on her face. "Yeah. Peter Parker." He looked around and spotted Peter. He looked back with a confused look on his face.

"Wait, he's not your friend." He quite obviously stated. They knew that he wasn't their friend. The two Spider-Men stared each other down before shooting webs at each other and doing flips.

After Ned's grandmother asked them to clean up the webs they shot, the older man that came out of the portal confessed to trying to find their Peter too. Both of the Peter's had a sense that he needed their help.

"Is there anywhere he would go that has meaning to him?" Asked the man.

"Somewhere he would go to just get away from anything?" Asked the other. "Yes." MJ quickly replied. She was going to find Peter and she was going to find him immediately.


I sat atop a roof of a building, along with another version of me. We sat and watched as the teens walked up to their Peter. I couldn't bear to hear the cries of the boy when he melted into their chests as they took him into their embrace.

Soon the teens removed themselves from him, seeing as he lifted his head, sensing that we were there. "Peter, there are some people here that-." He interrupted her. "What?" He jumped up from sitting down and looked up.

We jumped from the roof of the building onto another roof where the boy was. "Sorry." We both apologized. I could see that he was scared, 2 strange men jumping down just like he did coming to speak to him. "I think I have some understanding about what you're going through." I tried to explain.

He wouldn't let me speak. He didn't think I knew what he was going through. While I looked into the eyes of the boy I saw on the big screens of the buildings, I could see he was broken. He was in pain.

"I'm sorry I dragged you into all of this. This was all my fault. I'm going to send you home now." When he reached for the box that MJ was holding, she moved it away from his hand. Forcing him to listen to the words that we had to say to him.

"I lost my Uncle Ben." The Peter next to me said it saddened me as it reminded me that I lost Gwen. "It was my fault."

"I lost Gwen, she was my MJ. I couldn't save her." I admitted. Tears forced their way up, begging for an escape. Which they eventually fell. I was finally around people who understood; others who understood loss as I have gone through.

The words just spilled out of my mouth, admissions of what happened after her death. "I stopped pulling my punches. I got rageful." 


"The night Ben died, I wanted to kill the man who did it. I got what I wanted, but it didn't make any of it better." Peter said, Peter 1 looked up at him with tears in his eyes, threatening to fall even more than they were before.

The words that the extensions of him spoke hit him hard. No matter what happens, and you finally get what you want will not make that situation better. It won't make your feeling less painful.

"I want to kill him. I want to tear him apart." He said tearfully. All anyone else could do is tear up at the words that came from his mouth. He normally isn't like this, he normally doesn't think this way, in this mindset.

It terrified everyone else around him, hearing the boy's pain come out. He continued talking, until leading up to one of the things that his Aunt May said, which all of the Peter's had in common.

"She said, with great power comes-." He couldn't finish his sentence before Peter 2 cut him off and finished it for him. "-Great responsibility."

"How do you know that?" Peter 1 asked with fear as if the man read his mind. "Uncle Ben said it the day he died." Both of the other Peter's said. This influenced Peter and the others to put an end to the terror that the villains from their universe caused.


After Peter 1 explained that he messed up a spell to make everyone forget that he's Spider-Man which led the dead villains to his universe, they all went to Midtown Science to cook up cures for every one of them. And after they cured them, they were going to send them right back to their universe.

Each Peter met up in one of the science classrooms of the building, beginning to make a plan to cure all of them. After Peter 1 finished listing the names of all of them, Peter 3 stepped in and started talking. "Oh and I cured Dr. Connors before, so I can cure him again." He stated.

Peter 1 and Peter 2 looked at him. "What?" He asked in confusion. They shook their heads and went on to work on the cure for the rest of the villains.

Peter looked down and realized he was the only one wearing a lab coat. Whatever, they weren't that prepared for fighting these them just like he was.

MJ watched the 3 work their way around the lab, all of them sharing the same brain. Being the same person. Peter 1 looked up and saw her looking at them. "What?" He asked.

"There's 3 of you." She said. He smiled at her and went back to messing with chemicals and tech so he could finish up a cure for them.

Ned also had goggles on like the rest of them, moving around the lab, watching and helping at times. He rolled towards Peter 2, as he put chemicals into a beaker.

"So, do you have a best friend too?" He asked, trying to make small talk to avoid the awkwardness of watching them work.

Peter 2 hesitated before answering. "I did." "You did?"

"He died in my arms. After he tried to kill me." He said, referring back to the night Harry Osborne died in his and Mary Jane's arms after defeating Eddie Brock and Sand-Man. "It was heartbreaking." He admitted.

The words surprised Ned and made him feel bad for asking. "Dude..." That was all you could hear Peter 3 say in the back. Ned went up to Peter, looking for words to say but was cut off by him asking Ned to run a diagnostic. He complied and went on.

Peter looked at him confused but went on to working on a cure.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2022 ⏰

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