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Sorry I haven't posted I was busy😔

2 days before the celestials ( sorry if I spelt that wrong)

The Eternals split up because of a war. They went their separate ways in life. Sursi, Sprite, Gelgamash,(I forgot his name also it is hard to spell)Ikaris, and Thena are all go to the place Druig had his own little part of the world.( I don't know the exact day they went)

What they knew was that Druig could help with their plan to put the celetial asleep, but what they didn't know was if he would agree to doing it.

When Sursi told Druig the truth about them he got upset. Druig Believed that celestials were to great for that crap. Later there was a devent attack that killed Gelgamash. They burned his body and gave the ashes to Thena. In the morning Sursi and Druig spoke to each other.
" Sursi, your plan to put to celetial to sleep-"
"So you'll do it!"
"Sursi, you're asking me to put a celetial to sleep, I do not have that kind of power"
" I know that is why we need Phastos"
Druig slightly laughed
" Phastos gave up on humans alooong time ago"
"Well, of that. I'm sure you know where Makkari is"
Druig's head perked up when he heard her name. Hearing her name was like a breathe of fresh air, she hated him. Ever sense he heard that name for the grist time it was the one word that was music to his ears.
"No, I wouldn't know, she is kinda mad at me"
" makes sense. I mean you did leave all of us"
Druig had a flashback he hated remembering what happened especially remembering her face. Her dark skin, long hair, and that serious face she has.
"The first place I would look is the Domo, but you need Phastos to get it"
" then I guess we know where we are going"
Credit to foxwulder for the amazing fan art. Have a naive night. 303 words

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