The Note

33 0 0

Phil: 28
Kristen: 27
Techno: 8
Wilbur: 6
Tommy: 1
Sage: little baby that's just been born :D
TW- shouting, arguing, death, sadness, strangling
3rd person POV:

It was the 25th June 2004 and Kristen and Phil had arrived homed with their newest member of the family, the first girl, Sage.
As soon as the boys heard the door slam they rushed downstairs, other than Tommy of course, he kinda sat there.

Techno POV:

I was playing with my cars waiting for my mum and dad to arrive home with my little sister it had been ages since my mum had left to go to the hospital my dad only left a few hours ago as he couldn't leave us home alone too long but he had to be there for my mum.
Just then I heard a car door slam. I jumped up and looked out the window, it was them. I bolted out my room, almost tripping over my bed frame, and raced downstairs like my life depended on it. I ran past Wilbur who was already downstairs after playing with Tommy and waited until the door opened.

The door opened and there they were, my baby sister. I greeted mum and dad with a hug before looking in the baby carrier. I saw a baby, a cute baby. Her head was covered with a thin tuff of caramel coloured hair and her eyes were brown like chocolate. They appeared to be asleep until she opened her eyes and moved her head around a bit taking in her surroundings. I loved them already.
I looked over to wil and he seemed to have the same expression as me, mesmerised at the small child in front of him. He suddenly ruined the silence by saying,
"What's her Name?"
"Sage," my mum said.
I then hugged my mum so tight and didn't let go; I was so happy.

Wilbur POV:

My new little sister, Sage, had arrived home and I already loved her. I always wanted a sister younger or older and now they're finally here.
After saying our hellos to her, me and techno exchanged glances and both smiled so hard and gave each other a hug.

TIME SKIP :brought to you by Tubbox

3rd Person POV:

It had been a while and everyone had said hello to Sage, everyone except Tommy. He had been asleep when they arrived but now he was awake, Sage was crying, Tommy was crying. What a lovely house hold.
They told Tommy it was time to meet his little sister and he responded with a huff and stomped down the stair but when he got to where sage was laying he stopped.
"Tommy look!" Wilbur shrieked.
"Bu-Bubba!" Tommy cooed. He was still only just talking so this made everyone awww.
Sage let out another cry before Tommy grabbed her hand gently and squeezed it while giggling.
"Careful Toms she's delicate," Mumza said with a smile.
Sage seemed to calm down and slowly started to fall asleep again.
"Tommy! Why did you kill her!"
Everyone burst out laughing at Wilbur's comment but Tommy seemed to frown and back away from the small baby.
"She's not dead Wilbur, and Tommy look she's peacefully sleeping because of you."

~About 2 years later~

"Tommyyyy," Sage whined dragging out the y.
"What do you want." Tommy was in a bad mood with everyone today.
"Dont be sad!" Sage said grabbing onto Tommy's hand.
Everyone was sad today because they had found out Mumza was gone. Phil had gotten a call from her boss saying she had gone on an important work conference and got into a car crash on the way home. Of course sage didn't get it. She was only 2 and it didn't help that when they asked where mummy was Phil would always say 'she's gone out she'll be home soon sweetheart'.
Wilbur and techno took the loss hard. Techno slept all day not even eating most days and Wil locked himself in his room all day and played his guitar, Not that he didn't do this anyway, the air in the house felt different after Mumza passed.
Phil tried to encourage everyone to stay positive but even he was broken on the inside, he just tried to hide it.

Philza POV:

It's been a few weeks since Kristen has been gone and I'm getting worse by the second. Techno keeps lashing out every time I try to talk to him, Wilbur hasn't talked to anyone, Tommy is ignoring and keeps screaming at everyone and of course Sage doesn't understand because I keep telling her a lie that I hope will come true. But I know it won't. I just want her back. I decided to try and talk to the kids one at a time. Starting with probably the easiest, still hard though, Tommy.

I went up to Tommy and Sage's shared room and opened the door quietly. There, sat on the floor, were Tommy and sage shouting at each other. I didn't hear because the rooms had noise cancellation since I stream and the boys play games with their friends and scream quite loudly when the little ones are trying to sleep.
"No I'm NOTTT!"
I quickly opened the door to stop them.
"GUYS!" I shouted, this scared them both as they didn't see me.
"Tommy stop shouting mean things at Your sister, and Sage we don't shout back. Now can we all say we're sorry."
Tommy looked at me then looked back at sage with a guilty expression,"Sowy Bubba."
Sage stayed silent for a second before I coughed making her speak again,
"I'm sorry Tom-Tom."
"Ok now give each other a hug."
They gave each other a huge hug, Tommy nearly squashing the life out of Sage. I left the room completely forgetting what I came in for. I decided I would leave it until another day.

~4 years later~

3rd Person POV:

Everyone had gotten over Mumza's death but no one forgot. It was a cold day in their household giving everyone a sign that it was a chilling out day. Philza had recently started to train techno and Wilbur how to use a sword. Techno seemed to be a natural, however Wilbur seemed bored and didn't like fighting so he made excuses to get out of it.
Everyone was asleep except techno and sage. Sage had been having nightmares recently and would go to techno when she felt scared. And techno rarely got sleep anyway so he would calm them down.
Sage was sat in techno's room looking at the wall. Techno woke up around an hour after sage did and sat up to see her looking over the window.
"Good morning Sagey," techno said softly attempting not to scare her.
"Hi." Sage sounded less happy this morning.
"What's wong?" Techno said in a baby voice.
"I want to go outsideeeee,"
"Ok come on then!"
Techno grabbed sage's hand and took her out into the back garden. Techno let go of sage's hand a took a sword from the shed and started swishing it around. Sage stared in awe wanting to try.
Techno noticed this and laughed," You can't hold a sword sage."
Sage pouted at techno.
"Sowyy, but maybe I could teach you to use a bow!"
Sage jumped up excitedly and went to look for one. Techno stopped her.
"I think they're all inside, I'll go get one."
Leaving sage outside, techno went inside to grab a bow. Meanwhile, sage started skipping around after a while she noticed a large silhouette in the distance. Being the curious child she is, she waddled over to the mysterious creature.
Before they could realise the shadow was coming towards her, she kept walking in the same direction. Eventually she stopped when she came to a lake and looked up. There she saw a hideous looking creature. It wasn't a zombie, they were sure of that, but it was most like one. Before she could react, the creature wrapped its wet hand around Sage's neck, tightening it's grip as the small  girl began to struggle she tried to scream but nothing came out, they kicked their legs in hope of coming free but nothing worked she seemed stuck. The small girl was on the breach of death as the creature lifted his spare arm up, holding a trident, about to reach up before the monster suddenly dropped.
Sage was dropped to the floor coughing and splurting trying to find air into her lungs, not even bothering looking around for her saviour. When they had recovered they looked around hoping techno was near so she could go home but all she saw in the forest was a small figure, around the same age as Wilbur, looking at her. Or so she thought. The small boy had a piece of cardboard with string attached wrapped around his head. It had a cut out smiley face with little eye holes poking out. Sage waved at the boy and he waved back. Sage tried shouting for the boy but he didn't reply so she ran in his direction. When she reached where he was standing he was gone but something was left in his place. A note.

You look lonely. I think you'd be happier in
My home  -19, 65, -10
- :)

Wow that went longer than I wanted it to anyways I hope you enjoyed I'm going to make a part 2 it will probably be posted tomorrow have a nice rest of your day :) thanks for reading. Stay safe and healthy
<3 Zara

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