Big test

25 0 0

Hello how are you?
Philza: 40
Techno: 24
Wilbur. 22
Tommy: 17
Sage: 16
3rd person POV

Sage was in maths class studying in class for the final time before she takes her GCSE's.
And she was failing almost every subject. Except music. She's good at music. But that wouldn't really help her in life. She needs to be good at other things, Phil wasn't very happy she sucks at school because sage's three older brothers had all got at least 6 GCSE's and were smart. She wasn't.

Sage POV


Finally the bell, I've had double maths and it was torture. I'm definitely not going to pass my GCSE's. In my mocks I had gotten 4 D's and 2 F's and one A, which was music. I knew dad wouldn't be happy.

I opened the door to see wil on the sofa watching tv and techno on the table, on his phone.
"Hi." I mumbled. They both murmured a hello back.
I trudged upstairs, threw my bag on the floor and slopped onto my bed and screamed into my pillow.

How can I be this bad at everything. Someone must of heard me because I heard my door freak open. I turned to see who it was and saw techno, "you good?" He said raising his eyebrows.
"Why not?" He questioned.
"I'm going to fail life," I said flopping back on to my bed.
"Not if I can help it."

Having 3 smart older brothers does come in handy sometimes.
"Right, what are you failing at?"
"Everything but music," I replied.
"Well that sucks. Anyway your about to get taught more than you ever have been in your 16 years of living."

Techno then grabbed a book and pen and told me to write a story. I did.
"This is shit."
"Well I'm sorry mr A*!"
We continued that until it was gone 6pm and Phil came upstairs to see why we weren't coming down for dinner.

"What the heck are you guys doing!" He said.
"Saving sage's career, now shoo!" Techno replied.
"Don't you guys wan-,"
"GO!" we both shouted at the same time.
"Alright fine," he said admitting defeat and walked back downstairs.

Time skip: 8 hours

12 hours we'd been at this. I couldn't breath. My hand was aching. And I was struggling to stay awake.
"Techno I'm going to have a stroke or something please can I go to sleep."
"Sae I don't care what you do but it's your future your effecting."
I couldn't take this anymore, every time I said can I go to sleep he'd keep saying the same thing.

I stayed sitting down but totally zoned out to what my brother was saying. My breathing started to increase. I could feel my chest tightening, if I was having a panic attack right now I would actually die. My vision started going blurry, turning objects into weird shapes.
Yep I was having a panic attack. My thoughts were crammed to one side of my brain while the other side was burning with pain.
I let out a few audible cries, this time techno noticed me.

He tried rubbing my back, telling me to breath slowly. But nothing worked. He noticed this and picked me up like a small baby and placed me on the floor so I was facing him.
I felt his hands on my cheeks wiping off the tears. I could faintly hear him saying some comforting words, but nothing was working, it just seemed to get worse. This is the worst panic attack I've had.

Techno then handed me one of my blankets and I think he told me to stay there and focus on breathing. He got up and left, this made me panic even more to the point where I was crying and lying on the floor. I couldn't take it. The world was caving in on me and I felt like an ant about to be squashed.

Techno POV

I had left the room to go get Wilbur. Bad idea could hear sage crying even more. I wanted to get Wilbur as he'd always helped sage with panic attacks and sadness.I've been there and could calm her down if it was a little one but Wilbur can fully help her.

I quickly knocked on wilbur's door and shouted for him to come to sage's room. I ran back and saw Wilbur sprint in after me.
"What the fu- sage come here," he said.
Sage didn't move instead squirmed on the floor. Wilbur placed his hand on her hand. She stopped squirming and instead span to face Wilbur.

She was still breathing heavy and crying but had calmed down a bit.
Wilbur kept stroking sage's hand until she fell asleep in his arms'.
"Well done wil."
"She just needed some reminder that people are around her," I nodded, "what happened anyway?" He questioned.
"Uhh we were studying and she started crying and breathing heavily and I didn't know what to do and-"
"Alright, it's fine."

We both looked at our little sister, sleeping peacefully in wilburs arms.
Words: 855

Shorter one today
<3 Zara

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