Sick day

34 0 0

Phil: 34
Techno: 11
Wilbur: 9
Tommy: 5
Sage: 4

It was 1pm and Phil was outside, working on his wheat farm. His children were inside doing god knows what. Techno was actually doing some school work, Wilbur was reading a book and Tommy and sage were in techno's room playing with toys, they were sort of bothering techno but he didn't mind.

Sage had been running around the room ,screaming, and pretending her toy dog was flying, Tommy found this amusing so he joined in. Soon the two were running around their elder brother's room while he was trying to work.

They continued doing this until sage stopped and started coughing violently. This made techno turn around but as soon as he did she had stopped and continued chasing her other brother around the room. They kept playing until sage stopped again and started having another coughing fit but this time she didn't stop. Techno started getting worried.

"Sage do you want some water?" He asked. She nodded and techno picked her up and took her downstairs, Tommy trailing closely behind, worried for his sister.

They had gotten some water down sage and she was better but she was holding her head and groaning while having stomach pain.
"Techno my tummy hurt," she said in a small voice.
"Oh ok do you need some medicine?" He asked while taking her outside to their dad.

Phil was watering some plants when techno and sage and Tommy came outside, techno carrying sage.
"Dad," techno called to him, "sage is sick."
Phil turned around and took sage in his arms, "does your tummy hurt sage?" He asked her.
She nodded. Phil then took her inside to get her some medicine. Techno and Tommy didn't know what to do so they stayed outside and techno pushed Tommy on the rotting wooden swing their dad built for them a while ago.

"Dad my tummy hurt and my head hurt and my throat hurt," sage told her dad while tears were threatening to fall.
"Awh sage don't cry it's ok, we'll get you better ok?" sage nodded.

Phil opened the cupboard to get out the medicine and also opened the drawer to grab a spoon. He poured a reasonable amount onto the spoon and put it into sage's mouth using 'here comes the aeroplane'. She winced at the taste before swallowing it fully.
"Yuck!" She said while sticking her tongue out.
"Alright, do you want to go to sleep and have some rest?" Sage shook her head before saying, "no I'm big girl I don't need sleep!"
"Ok.. just be careful," Phil said cautiously.

Time skip

It was nearing dinner time and sage had been feeling better since earlier but still had stomach pain and claimed she was gonna be sick but never was. The family were sat around the table eating dinner, it was pesto pasta, sage's favourite. Despite this, she didn't feel like eating anything and picked at her food with her tiny fork.

Wilbur noticed this and elbowed his dad, getting his attention. Phil looked over to sage, placed his fork down and tapped sage's hand getting her attention.
"Sage you need to eat something sweetheart," Phil said calmly.
"I don't want to," sage said in a grumpy voice. Phil sighed before saying, "why don't you have a few bites then you can go to sleep? How about that?"
"Ok," sage said quietly, still poking at her pasta.

It was after dinner and sage had eaten two bites with the help of techno and now she was slumped on the sofa close to falling asleep. Tommy came into the room, looking for sage or someone to play with. He spotted his younger sister laying on the sofa and went over to her and started poking her.
"Tommy go awayyy, I want to go to sleeeeep," sage said.
"Why are you sleeping on the sofa, why not your bed?" Tommy questioned while yanking sage off the sofa and dragging her upstairs, sage complaining the whole way.

Tommy had put sage on her bed and was about to leave before she said, "Tommy don't leave me."
"Ok fineee," He replied.
He got into bed next to sage and they fell asleep next to each other, sage sucking her thumb and Tommy hugging a teddy bear.
Words: 731

Sorry it's short :)
<3 Zara

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2022 ⏰

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