Chapter. 35

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Today was graduation day, which I was pretty excited for, the day when all your hard work pays off, and all that endurance of stoicism guerdons, I woke up at six o'clock am because I was that exhilarated.

I did my usual daily routine, brushed my teeth, showered, picked out my clothes and put them on, ate breakfast then patiently waited for seven o'clock am to hit to go to school for the final day.

"Look at mommy's handsome little man," she said, taking out her phone for pictures. I always hated taking pictures because of anxiety, but my family practically forces me to take them anyways.

So I kept my composure during the few pictures my mom took.

My siblings were there too, they gave me hugs and were genuinely happy for me as I take the next steps into my life and adulthood.

"Wow, you're eighteen and are about to graduate, time flies," Layla said while smiling at me, "So how do you feel? Are you ready to start college in the winter?" She asked me.


"If you want I can help you get set up for college because we're here to help Jordan," Layla said.

"That's right," my mom said.

"Alright thank you guys, I got to leave now, see y'all when I get back," I told them heading out the door.

"Bye loves you," Shane, Amelia, Layla, and my mom and dad said.

"Bye loves y'all too," I said heading off in the distance.

I got to school and today was a shortened day, I just did my usual daily schedule, except I slept in all my classes because I wanted the day to hurry up and be done with.

Plus I barely slept last night, so I went to bed at 3:30 am.

After sleeping through all my classes the final bell rang, and the teachers gave an announcement that graduation will be taking place at the school, I already knew where to go and what to do.

And we already took graduation pictures.

I got on the bus and headed home, when I got there I changed my clothes to my cap and gown and put on my dress shoes and a tie.

My mom then braided my hair in cornrows.

"I'm so proud of you," Jacqueline said.

"Thanks, mom," I responded.

"So when are you supposed to be there?" She asked.

"In fifteen minutes."

"Alright, we should leave then."


My mom threw on her outfit and shoes and a jacket to go and drop me off at school, before exiting she told my siblings to be ready for when she gets back.

We drove to my school and she let me out, "We'll be here shortly, do you know where to go?" She asked me.

"Yeah, and alright," I said.

I could see many of the kids from my school getting out of their cars and heading into my school.

And I followed them.

I headed into the school and walked to my destination the teachers just went over what we already knew, and after they were done talking we prepared for the graduation ceremony.

Our parents came in shortly afterward, clapping for us and cheering us on.

They called our names one by one to come to collect our diplomas.

After we finished we went to our parents and they mostly gave us hugs and kisses on our foreheads congratulating our hardships.

My mom took me home and my siblings were also there.

"So are you excited to finally be out of high school?" Amelia asked.


"I'm happy for you, now we both graduated, just Shane now who's still in high school," Amelia added.

I just looked at them with a smile on my face, then looked back out the window.

I bet I made my grandma proud. I started off crying in the coldness of the hospital room with everyone else smiling on their faces. Now I'm smiling with everyone else around me smiling too in the warmth of the car, I guess there was warmth for me after all.

Making up with my parents and siblings was a great choice, they're my family, they'll always be here to love and support you even if you strongly dislike them, they love you unconditionally even if they cause you pain, with pain comes to love, perseverance, all about perseverance.

Just got to tell your inner self you'll never change and stick to your morals and everything will be okay.

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