My Weird and Wacky Family

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"You and your sisters have gifts." My mother joked. "But that's what all parents say." I laughed in reply. This was a family game. We have "gifts". Superpowers. We have never lived normal lives. My sisters and I have rushed around saving people from despicable villains all over the United States.

I have been in the public eye ever since I was five and started going on missions with my sisters. It's great except I'm the baby of the family. I alway get stuck as the test subject for new moves and such. I hate it. I always have to be the stand in "bad guy". My sisters are world famous and they model and go to premieres. I get to tag along but they always have more fun. All the celebrities talk to them and mostly ignore me. Except for the younger people. They're pretty cool. I enjoy hanging out with them, we usually go back to one of our hotels and chill together. We'll watch a movie and gorge on room service then talk about the ups and downs of fame. All the fun stuff. At least we don't have to wear our skintight, bullet proof, etc. suits. I get to dress up. And I don't have to wear a mask since none of us do anyway. We're pretty chill with the whole identity thing. I think it's a good thing but my parents are always having second thoughts. They can't change it now anyway. We're already out in the open. But parents will be parents.

Let me give you a little background about my sisters and I. I am the youngest of three children. My parents are former super villains turned heroes, but they're retired. My sisters are Marian, who is 22, Aylin, who is 17, and I'm Sienna and I'm 15. Marian and Aylin are around the same height, probably 5'7'. They are both brunettes so people sometimes think they are twins. I'm tall, 5'9" and dark blonde. Being dark blonde is pretty annoying because you either have to be blonde or brunette to be stylish, there's no inbetween. My sisters have all the fun.

My sisters used to be the ones with all the powers. Now I am. I can "absorb" other people's powers. I don't steal them. I just know how to use them and I can use them whenever I want. But as far as the world knows I have the power to fly. I'm not allowed to use any of my other powers in public. It is so frustrating that we have lost multiple battles because my parents made me swear that I wouldn't use anyone else's powers. It's all fine and dandy until I have to use them to save my sisters or myself. Hopefully that won't happen for a long time.

I say I'm jealous of my sisters but I'm not as much as I seem. I don't really want the fame and fortune. It's too much work. I just get so fed up with people when I'm around them I just want to crawl into a bed with a book and never get out. I do admit that I have hidden in the bathroom at least once or twice to get away from everyone. I guess I'm an introvert of sorts. I don't mind people, I just don't want to be with them for extremely long amounts of time. My mom says I'll grow out of it, but I'm not so sure. I'm fifteen and I have yet love parties and such. Maybe if I go to a premiere or party that I actually get invited to by the host, I would enjoy it. Oh well what can you do.

My sisters are calling me, they probably want me to come and practice with them. Oh no. I hear the alarm. I better get to the basement.

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