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Hey guys! Sorry I haven't posted anything in a while, but this chapter is a longer one so hopefully that makes up for it. I hope you like the story so far, if you would leave a comment down below that would be fabulous. Thanks!


I arrived back home to see my face on the TV and my mother's jaw on the floor. "You said you wouldn't use your other powers." She says quietly. "I know." I reply "but I had too. I had to save Marian. i couldn't think of any other way." 

"What about all of your gadgets?!?" She yells, "All the things you created so you wouldn't have to use your powers! Did you forget about them all of a sudden?" "I'm sorry Mom." My voice small and quiet. "Go to your room until your sisters get back. Then we'll see how I feel about all of this." "Okay." I quietly reply and climb up the stairs to my room and sit at my desk. I work on the watch I'm making for my Dad's birthday and wait for my sisters to come home.


Aylin and Marian finally arrive home and hour later. I hear them talking in hushed tones with Mom. Mom calls me from the bottom of the stairs, "Sienna, come down here please." I walk down the stairs to my Mom, dad, and sisters. "Oh man" I think, "this is bad, I've got the whole family down here." My Mom speaks first "Sienna, we know you had to use your powers to save Marian and for that we are very grateful, but we have to figure out what we're going to do about your fame. We live out here for a reason, for a house where you won't be attacked every five minutes and a place where no paparazzi can find you. Therefore, since you are becoming more famous because of your display-"

"I'm sorry Mom." I interject, "I couldn't help it, it's so hard keeping everything in except flying and force shields. It's like having a volcano inside of me, building pressure until it erupts. I can't hold my powers back anymore. Now that it's out you can't expect me to hold it in all the time, can you?"

"No sweetie." my Mom replies, "You can use all of your powers now. Don't worry about it."

"The thing you need to worry about now is being so famous." Marian says gravely, "You'll be in interviews for days at a time."

"I hate interviews." I declare.

"Better get used to them. Big parties too, they'll expect you to make speeches and sign autographs. They'll ask why you don't have any social media profiles, it's a mess."

"Geez, I didn't know having super powers could make you ridiculously famous."

The phone rings and my mom goes to answer it. "It's the girl's agent." she reports, "Sienna has been asked to go to five movie auditions and attend hundreds of interviews." "Well, my Dad sighs, "I guess we should have seen this coming. Tell the agent to pick and choose twenty to twenty-five interviews spread out over a week and then we'll see how many other people want one."

"I'll tell her." my mom answers, relays the message to the family agent and hangs up the phone. "What's the agent's name Mom?" I ask as I look for a snack in the enormous pantry. "Her name is June. She's very helpful and extremely nice. You'll meet her tomorrow morning. We'll fly to her office in the morning."

"Okay I'm going to the basement." I respond and take my food to the secret entrance.  "I'll talk to you guys later." "I'll come down too." Marian declares and follows me down the stairs.

We walk down the stairs and sit down at our resective desks and I start to work on battle plans. "Thank you." Marian says quietly, "Thank you for coming after me and using your powers. You didn't have to."

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