Episode 5: Ash's way of befriending dragons

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Gripping her mug tightly, she listened to the group of teenagers as they discussed the day's results.

"Vanity issues? I don't have vanity issues!" Claimed an annoyed Snotlout, glaring at his comrades. "I mean, I know that I am the best looking of all the vikings! What's not to like about me?!"

"He was correct though." Fishlegs interrupted, trying his best to ignore the glare. "I mean I really shouldn't have gotten distracted and we probably would have Subdue the terror much faster if we worked together."

"Ketchum is so smart and good looking. I think I'm in love…" Ruffnut commented, playing with her empty plate.

Her brother gave her a disgusted look.

"Yeah right. This man looks all thin and stuff. How can you find that attractive?"

Snotlout snorted.

"That has got to be the dumbest thing you've said today. Like as if my cousin can compare to that smartest man, Ketchum."

Astrid slammed her mug on the table, catching the attention of the group.

"Can we change the subject now?!" she growled Angrily, baring her teeth.

"What's a matter babe?" Snotlout asked, ignoring her anger. "Uncomfortable over there? Why don't you come and sit by me? I'll make you feel much better."

Barely dodging the mug that was thrown at him, the burly teen frowned as Astrid stood up and left the hall.

"What is her problem?"

Astrid fumed, ignoring the calls of the others as she trudged down the steps into the village.

'Ketchum this, Hiccup that. Will they just shut up?!'

Kicking a stray barrel, she made her way to the forge, where an ecstatic Gobber was playing with a small sheet of metal, giggling madly to himself.

"Gobber! Could you take a look at my axe? I think it needs a few adjustments."

The man paused, taking a look at Astrid's axe.

"Aye. I'll have Hiccup work on it when he gets back."

Astrid's frown sharpened at the name.

"Why can't you do it?"

"Hiccup has the best hands for precision work. He'll have it as sharp as his wit in no time."

Giving a huff, she handed over the axe and turned her attention to the sheet of metal that the blacksmith was working on.

"What are you making?"

Gobber's face lit up when she pointed to his latest project.

"I am going to make a small knife out of it."

Astrid gingerly picked up the piece, it was still warm from the initial melting but it was strangely very light. It was already in the general shape of a blade, though it needed more sharpening.

"Seems a bit on the weak side. How do you expect a knife made out of this won't break?"

Gobber gave a laugh, taking the piece from her.

"Don't let the weight fool you. This stuff's stronger than it looks."

To demonstrate, he took the blade and sliced at a dangling chain. Astrid watched dumbstruck as the chain and the tool bucket it carried fell in a loud clatter despite the dull edge.

"Where on earth did you get that?!"

"Oh, Ketchum gave it to me. Went to go help Hiccup with his training earlier, they should be back before sundown."

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