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I had never really noticed it for years, the only time being the first few weeks that I had been here in the overworld. Then it became normal, just another fundamental piece of this world, and the time when all of the big baddies came out to play. I should have never started taking everything here for granted. But who could possibly blame me? There was so much war, so much death, so much to explore.

This was my biggest mistake, and I had made some really, really big ones. I only had true regret for this mistake, forgetting to look at the beautiful night sky and marvel at what could have been. Forgetting to watch the stars move along and wonder what they are and what they should mean to me.

Boo was beside me and was just coming out of their enderwalk state. It had all happened so quickly. The plan was flawless and it was carried out as such, but it was still far more difficult than it should have been.

"I'm out of it. How are you doing, Ranmara?"

"I'm doing fine, Boo. You came out of it after I did. And how many times do I have to say that I prefer Mara?"

"Sorry, I always forget. You know me."

"I know, I just like to nag you."

Boo laughed a dark laugh, one that I had come to hear often and only just recently understand. Now it's hard to remember when I didn't have these terrible voices whispering to me, always whispering and telling me what to do and how to do it. It's hard to remember what it was like to be free.

But that's what we were up here for in the first place, wasn't it? To end it all and become free again. To set everyone free again.

"You know that you have to cut my wings," I said. "That way my body won't..." I trailed off, knowing exactly what they knew I would have said.

"I don't want to hurt you, Mara," Boo said all too seriously. "But I know that you're right. Spread your wings and face opposite me."

I did as told, and as they raised their sword, which was still in hand, I relaxed as much as possible, even closing my eyes. When it came, I was calmer than ever before, and it didn't really hurt that badly. I could feel the warm trickle of blood running down my back and I laughed that same dark laugh. It became louder and more uncontrolled the more desperate that the voices got over this. It amused me so much to hear the voices panic like this, knowing that they were going to die right along with me.

They even tried to make it sound like they were concerned for me.

What a funny joke.

Even though I was clutching my stomach and laughing hysterically, I could tell that Boo was concerned, and so I opened my eyes and looked at them. "Thank you so much for that," I said, smiling at them. They looked very shaken like they didn't know what to do after that. Like they were concerned for me too.

"You remember the plan, right?" I asked, spinning the sword within my hand and cutting my palm open with it by accident. That didn't hurt either. I cocked my head in curiosity. That should have hurt me.

"Yes, but... do we want to go through with it now?" Boo asked. I was taken aback.

"We have done everything right so far, Boo! You know that. Why would we throw it away? Why would we cave to those horrible voices?"

Boo said nothing, just looked down at the ground, far, far below our feet. they took a deep breath and I knew that they made the right decision by doing this with me. They didn't have to say anything about how I was right. We had learned each other well enough to know each other's thoughts, almost like one of those wretched voices.

The chest was there behind us. I didn't understand why we would need to put our belongings in a chest if there was nobody else to pick them up and capitalise on them.

"We should put our valuables in the chest. It just seems like the right thing to do now." Boo said. I decided that heck with it, I was going to do it, despite its futility. I threw my swords, my daggers, my bloodstained leather armour, and all else with any sort of fundamental value inside the chest. I also put all of my keepsakes inside, knowing that they would possibly be able to live where my sanity couldn't. Boo did the same.

"Are you ready, Boo?" I asked as I extended my hand to hold theirs.

"I think I am, Mara," Boo said. They took my hand and we didn't even need to count.

The last ones left.

The last ones left.

The last ones left.

We fell forever. Our whole lives were right there in front of us. But only then, as if the world was criticising us for throwing our abilities away. Throwing this away.

Or maybe it was just trying to make us feel better in our final moments on the Earth.

I'll never know.


Word count: 886

Just a heads up to my readers: If I seem like I died, I either forgot about this fic, am overly stressed, or I'm just generally in a bad mood or something. Do not expect to have any sort of update schedule, this is all for fun, if you found me from a comment section on some book then Hi there, and I hope that you all have an amazing day! :]

I feel very scared. My anxiety was never a helpful trait, but right now I was a ball of nerves and I didn't know what to do or what I could even start to do. My panicky state was not helping anything, and now I was quite stuck in a bad situation. The closet. The closet was a tight space, sometimes I loved tight spaces, such as earlier today, whenever I felt extremely anxious. But sometimes, that changes, and now things were worse. Much, Much worse.

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