"Not in a million years, Evil spawn."

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Season 1 Episode 3, 17:43

"He's stable." I heard Meredith call out as she climbed the stairs. Izzie was following Meredith, Christina was walking down the stairs to meet them and I haven't even gotten to the stairs since I just opened the door.

"For now. I had a radiologist look at his chest he has a traumatic aortic injury. It's gonna rupture and bleed out." Christina said as I walked up the stairs meeting up with them confused out of my mind.

Izzie looked at her in a obvious way. "So he needs surgery."

"Why did you guys page me?" I asked finally reaching them. 

"Christina and Izzie have a brain dead patient but we don't think he's truly brain dead. You should see his vitals." Meredith explained and I nodded giving Christina a thumbs up to resume what she was saying.

"He's gonna need surgery if he's gonna remain a viable donor, yes." Christina nodded but I don't think that's what the girls meant.

"If he's gonna live." Izzie declared then began to walk away.

Christina's hands dropped to her side. "Izzie."

"No I'm not giving up on him. He has the surgery, he lives longer. That's the point. So I'm going to find the family. You guys get him into surgery."

Christina rolled her eyes and turned to face me and Meredith. "She's vice-president of fantasyland."

"Who knows she could be right." I said trying to support Izzie with her idea.

"Who do we go to for surgery- Bailey?" Meredith asked.

"No we need to go higher than Bailey." Christina finally hoped on board of the plan and we ran up the stairs.


"Dr. Burke." Meredith said as she opened the men's bathroom. Christina and I stayed back not wanting to see him doing his business. 

"Hello!" He called out shocked.

"Okay." She shut the door.

Christina and I stared at each other than both opened the door.

"Dr. Burke, um, I know you're busy," Christina said as the man sighed, "but our John Doe needs an aortic repair."

"The guy from this morning? Isn't he legally dead?" He asked trying to understand what was so urgent for us to bust into the men's bathroom like this.

"Well, yeah- he's kinda still around. We gave him two units P.R.V.C.s and put him on pressures." Christina listed off all of the things they did as I stood there awkwardly.

"On whose orders?" 

Christina awkwardly closed the door and opened it once more with Meredith standing in front of us.

"Mine." Meredith said simply.

Dr. Burke walked over to wash his hands as he shook his head. "You get a brain-dead John Doe a blood transfusion without consulting anyone. And now you want me to repair his heart?"

I peeked my head over Meredith's shoulder. "Well, yes."

"You do enjoy crossing the line, don't you?" Burke said to all three of us.

"He is an excellent candidate for organ donation." Meredith declared trying to get him to help us.

"I am a surgeon. I save lives. This guy is already dead. Now, this is the men's room. Either whip one out or close the door." He said sternly.

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