"Viper? Are you okay?!"

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Season 1 Episode 3, 32:09

I walked over to the pit, noticing viper, my patient from yesterday.

"What's viper doing here?" I asked Karev who stood next to me.

"Probably crashed his bike, again." He responded not really caring as he stared down at the paper he was so focused on.

I furrowed my brows as I put on my gloves. "How long has he been waiting for?"

"I don't know. I've been busy on real cases. He's all yours." He said and I walked towards viper and away from Alex, not wanting to hear his insensitive crap right now.

"Viper." I called out and once I got closer I noticed he was holding in a rough cough almost chocking on it. "Viper? Are you okay?!"

I rushed overready to lend him a hand but before I could, he got up and slipped on the ground. Finally he let go of this cough, but not a normal cough as he was spewing blood.

"Viper!" I shouted crouching down and lifting his shirt to examine the previous injury. His small cut was now so inflamed it looked like he swallowed a football. I started to panic I knew he should've stayed longer.


"Call the O.R., tell them we're coming, and page Dr. Bailey." I informed the nurse. I was now sitting on top of him on a gurney trying to put as much pressure on the wound. "Alex, let's go."

I turned to sit Alex standing there, frozen, completely shocked by the scenary.

"Alex, push the damn gurney!" After shouting for the millionth time in a rushed panic, Alex finally snapped out of it and pushed the Gurney forwards.

"Somebody get the elevator." He said as the doors opened and he pushed us through.

I held the wound and could feel it getting wet once more, blood leaking out. "Hurry. I don't know how long I cam keep this wound closed."

The elevator door shut, and we waited for it to get to the O.R. floor. Elevators usually aren't that slow but in this type of situation, it felt like I was watching paint dry.

"Damn it! Just move faster. Please." I pleaded as if the elevator could listen to me.

Finally after what felt like an eternity the elevator opened and Alex rushed to push us to an operating room. 

Once we go tin Bailey face dropped, not accepting this to be the emergency she was informed about. I sat still, almost straddling the guy as I kept my hands on the wound. 

"This is a new one? Somebody get her off of my patient." Bailey instructed so I did as I was told. I carefully got off of him and stood up waiting for instructions.

"Matilda, go get cleaned up, and, Alex, get back downstairs." She said and I ran to go get scrubbed in.

Alex ignored her and kept tying his surgical mask. "Yeah, but I helped."

"Yeah, they tell me down in the pit you only want to take the hot cases." Dr. Bailey said as she got swarmed with nurses helping her prep the patient. "Every pack of interns, there's always one fool running around trying to show off. And, Alex, this time that fool is you. Get out."

When I heard Bailey say those words my lips quickly curled up into a smile. Serves him right.


Once we finished we the surgery we walked over to the waiting area to tell his loved ones how it went.

"This lovely group's his friends." Bailey said pointing at this group of biker dudes with arm tattoos and leather vests.

We slowly walked towards them as Bailey took the lead. "Uh, you all belong to- what's his name?" She asked me turning around slightly.


"V-Viper." Bailey stuttered in disbelief that this was his name.

"Yeah, we were in the race, how is he? Is he okay?" The only girl of the group asked as the other ones kept fooling around and laughing.

"Is he okay?" Bailey repeated. "No. No, he's not okay at all. He hurled his body down a concrete mountain at full speed for no good reason."

The guys didn't take her seriously at all and snickered at her words. This got her riled up. "Yeah, I know you all pierce yourselves and smoke up and generally treat your bodies like your grungy asses can't break down. Hey, that's fine. You want to kill yourselves flying down a concrete mountain, go to it- but there are other people walking, people driving, people trying to live their lives, and one of them got his brains scrambled today because one of you little sniveling snot rag-"

"Dr. Bailey." I interrupted her standing behind awkwardly trying to warn her that this is inappropriate. I completely agree with her, but still she has to stay professional.

She quickly snapped out of it and changed expressions. "Yeah, so. Okay, no. Your friend, Viper, as far as I'm concerned, is not okay." And with that she stormed off.

All of his friends stared at me shocked and confused. "She's um... really tired. But... Viper's gonna make it. He's gonna live."

I nodded with an awkward smile and they sent me a few 'cool' and 'thanks.' And now I left ready to go home.


~There's another way to survive this competition. A way no one ever seems to tell you about, one you have to learn yourself.~

I was now cleaned up and out of my scrubs. I was all ready to go home. But I couldn't. I had to check on Viper real quick. So, I'm walking towards his room and when I get up to his window, I see him and his friends all having fun and laughing together. Like a strange little family.

~Number five, it's not about the race at all. There are no winners or losers. Victories are counted by the number of lives saved.~

Viper looked up from his friends and saw me at the window. Of course, he sent me that iconic 'Viper' smile and I just chuckled to myself now ready to go home.


"Oh, okay, this is the best par. Watch." Izzie told me as George, Christina and I watched the Elis Grey surgical tapes together.

"She pulls the flap of skin down over the face." Izzie explained but we were all caught off guard by the sounds of keys being dropped. We turned around to see Meredith.

George began to panic as he sat up, removing his head from my lap. "We were-"

"Hi." She said smiled at us.

"We were- we were just, uh..." George stuttered. "Christina made us." The boy said with an innocent look as I broke out into a fit of laughters.

I pushed his head gently and kept laughing as he groaned. Christina and the other hand sent him a dirty look.

~And once in a while, if you're smart, the life you save could be your own.~

"What are we watching?" Meredith said calmly as she went over to sit between Izzie and I. "Oooh. This is the one where my mother.."

"Literally pulls this guy's face off." Izzie finished her sentence already having watched it three times. When Meredith clicked play we all shouted words of disgust at what we had just seen.

"Hey, so how's that cop of yours, Matilda?" Christina smirked taking a big bite of her pizza.

I figured Meredith would tell them. I grabbed a pillow that was sitting at my feet on the ground and threw it at the girl who asked. "I hate you guys."

"No you don't." George smiled and fell back into my lap as everyone laughed out loud. 

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