Chapter 6

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Seeking Good Temptation Chapter 6: School grass special pet 06

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Bai Xing slightly rounded his eyes, "A Yuan, how are you here?"

Gao Yuan slowly approached. "I am also teaching the building upstairs here. I will come to you after the following class."

He said, like what he remembered, coughed twice. "Yes, I have a game in the afternoon, go see?"

White looked around and kept stealing the girls who looked at him and looked at him. He looked at the high side with his side, blinked and smiled. "Okay, I just didn't have a class in the afternoon."

Bai Xun went to the stadium with Gao Yuan. This is a friendship game with the next door. There are quite a lot of people coming here. Gao Yuan took Bai Xian to sit on their team.

"You will sit here and wait for the game to end and go back together."

Gao Yuan has some uneasy feelings, and the teammates on the other side have laughed and said that they are not good intentions. They are swearing. "A far, this is your girlfriend, you don't introduce it?"

"Hey, we are not..." Bai Xun suddenly blushes and hurriedly waved his hand to explain.

Gao Yuan looked at Bai Xun and explained that the denial was inexplicably lost. She could see her red face and her heart.

"Don't be skinned." Gao Yuan smiled and screamed. After chasing away the busy teammates, he turned to Bai Xun. He scratched his head and was embarrassed. "You don't mind, they like to pick up."

Bai Xun was hard to see that he was a bit stunned and smiled. "It's okay, go ahead, they are waiting for you."

Gao far nodded, and everyone warmed up to finish the game. He was particularly motivated today and scored several goals. Some cheerleaders screamed his name on the sidelines.

White was looking at the slender figure in the center of the field. The black hair was wet with sweat and gathered along the cheek to the chin. Faceless and serious look, sharp eyes, the whole popularity is different, it is indeed very attractive. No wonder the boys who play basketball are particularly attractive.

Gao Yuan listened to his name around his madness, but his gaze drifted from time to time. The other party was sitting in a small group of red and smart, and now he is excited to stand up. While waving his little hand and cheering for his goal, he unconsciously bent his lips and smiled. He never felt so full when he was so full. He only felt full of strength.

The opposite team is not able to stand up, how can this person become more and more brave?

When the game is over, the opposite side has already looked at the devil and looked at the distance. Isn't it a friendly match? Is it necessary to fight so?

Gao Yuan went straight to Bai Xun, and he had a feeling of fullness in his heart, so that he could not wait to go to that person.

Bai looked at the high face with a smile on his face, and he was too excited. "The first time I felt that the basketball game was so fast, I didn't expect A Yuan to play basketball so much, just the game is super exciting! Also super handsome!"

Gao Yuan wiped the sweaty black hair, looked at the **** in front of her face, and her face was filled with some excited blush. Her adoring eyes made him faintly satisfied.

Gao far touched the nose, and it was a little bit stunned. "Well, I will go back after changing clothes."

Bai Xing waved his hand. "Forget it, I have a part-time job at night, and I am leaving soon."

"I will send you."

"Oh, no, I just went by myself..." Bai searched and shook his head. She packed her backpack and waved her hand. "You go back first."

Looking at the white search that gradually went away, Gao far frowned slightly. What part-time job, come back very late every time?


Bai Xun knows how long it will take, and the more he refuses to send Gao Yuan, the more he is curious, he will definitely find a way to find it. However, everyone is not very good at the moment, so I don't want them to see each other.

She wants to understand this time. It is too risky to keep a relationship with everyone as before, and the condition is just to get their heart. They like her, and she doesn't have to want them to like them.

She only needs to like one person, but who is the chip?


For a few days, the days of the clubhouse were unremarkable, and neither the boss nor the Qin dynasty was encountered. Therefore, Bai Xun only went back early, teasing a cotton trousers, brushing a high-sounding good feeling, a little bit, the high degree of good feeling is now 50%.

This day, it is a boring class, a large classroom of one hundred people, Bai Xie seriously taking notes, and the high side is making up. Gao Yuan was originally different from the class she chose, but recently she had to follow the class when she was in class.

Finally, after class, Bai Xun slightly sighed and sighed.

On the one hand, he woke up and stretched out, and raised his eyebrows and smiled. "Sigh, sigh, pack things, no class in the afternoon, I will take you to a place."

"There is no class in the afternoon, but I have club activities." Bai Xun seems to think of something, tangled. "Only next time."

"What kind of community activities? Just turn it off." Gao Yuan is somewhat curious.

Bai Xun shook his head. "No! The art club has a great predecessor to guide today. It's hard to get! Oh, you are going back, go back and take care of the cotton pants."

How can it be lifted? This is the next Raiders target.

However, thinking of the last world blackening his own man, Bai Xun began to feel stomach pain.

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