Chapter 7: Family past uncovered

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At Spinners, Trevor was cleaning out a storage section of the building. Lucky walked over to check on him.

"Has this ever even been cleaned before??" Trevor asks

"Not by me." Lucky responds. "We're heading up the mountain. You coming?"

Later, Trevor had joined Lucky and her friends on a truck ride up the mountain the mine was in, Trevor sitting in the back of the truck Lucky was in. When up at the top, Trevor and Lucky sat in the elevator over a mineshaft.

"Why'd you bring me up here?" Trevor asks

"Entertainment value." Lucky responds. "Can you juggle?"

Trevor lightly chuckled a little.

"What are you doing here in Summerville, anyway?" Lucky asks

"Honestly, my mom won't say it, but we're broke. And we jus got evicted." Trevor explains. "And the only thing left in our name is this creepy old farmhouse our grandfather left us in the middle of nowhere. No offense to you."

"Not offended. This place is a dump." Lucky responds

"Then why do you live here?" Trevor asked

"I'm fourth generation dump." Lucky responds

The two nodded.

"You think you'll ever leave?" Trevor asks

"I mean, even if I don't what does that say about me?" Lucky comments

"You don't have a car of your own." Trevor points out

Suddenly, the elevator shook a little.

"Get out. Quick." Lucky comments

Trevor and Lucky hopped off the elevator and back to safety and everyone circled around the shaft and looked down.

"What is that??" Trevor asks

"I don't know." Lucky responds

Everyone kept looking. Down at the bottom, there was this weird merge creature of some kind, and it was a mixture of orange, black, white, and green in color.

"Gozer..." The creature boomed in a deep and echoey voice

Suddenly, a large spectral beam the same color combinations shot out causing everyone to jump back. Everyone but Trevor and Lucky were chuckling

Back at the dirt farm house, Grooberson and Callie were at a table.

"What is this?" Grooberson questions, picking up a map

"Um, that's a map." Callie responds

"yeah, I know it's a map, but this thing's ancient. It's written in some Cuneiform." Grooberson points out before noticing something. "This is Summerville."

"Well that doesn't make sense." Callie responds with slight confusion

"no, not at all." Grooberson responds. "I mean, Summerville's not even 100 years old and this thing's written in a language from thousands of years ago."

"For all I know, that's the language he spoke." Callie stated, talking about her father

"That's-you don't think this is incredible? Bizzare? Or even fascinating?" Grooberson asks. "Can I have this?"

"Yeah, sure. Weirdo." Callie comments. "First, there's a map and then you mvoe into a haunted house and everyone's calling you the dirt farmer."

"Well, what about Phoebe? would she want any of this?" Grooberson asked

"Oh, i'm sure Phoebe will find something." Callie responds

Outside, Phoebe was following yet another invisible trail via using the PKE Meter, looking around as she followed the trail. It led her to an old shack and when she opened it, there was a firepole for some reason. She put the PKE Meter in her back pocket after switching it off and then she slid down the pole.

When she reached the bottom, he room was pretty dark.

"Hello??" Phoebe comments as she pulled out the PKE meter and switched it on, which made it instantly start to pick up a signal

Lights around the room began switching on which revealed a table with all sorts of tech on it and a shelf with all sorts of spores, molds, and fungi.

Phoebe walked over to the cabinet which had lights over it switch on and she opened it. In the cabinet were jumpsuits of some kind. She checked and the name tag on one read 'SPENGLER'.

She reaches into the front pocket of that jumpsuit and pulls out an old half eaten granola bar still in it's wrapper. She put it back and reached into the uniform, pulling out an old pair of glasses, oddly similar to her own, raising an eyebrow.

Suddenly, a light in the room turned on, causing more lights to turn on and she found both a mini model of the property and someone sort of large device looking like it was meant to be worn on a person's back. She decided to pull up a seat and look at it when a light re angled itself and looked at her, almost as if the ghost moving it was communicating in it's own little way.

The light aimed itself at the device, which she carefully took the back piece off of.

"A couple of pieces are missing." Phoebe comments

A drawer sprung open and in it was the pieces she needed to put in. Whatever ghost was there was trying to help her fix the device.

"Thanks." Phoebe states

She put the missing pieces into place before looking at the rest of the large device and taking the mini central piece out.

"How on Earth did you build such a small cyclotron?" Phoebe comments

The light re angled, showing all sorts of pHDs on the wall, most of which for Egon Spengler, who was her grandfather.

"Got it, you are a genius" Phoebe comments. "Do you have needle-nose pliers?"

The light re angled, showing her where the said pliers were and she grabbed them, getting to work on fixing the device. Later that night, Phoebe was in her room, watching an old Ghostbusters commercial on YouTube while eating popcorn.

Callie walked in and says, "Hey, you're awake."

Her mother appearing caused her to shut the laptop.

"What are you up to?" Callie asked

"Experiments...." Phebe answered

"Oh. I see." Callie responds, walking over and sitting on the bed. "Oh, you got popcorn."

Callie ate some of the popcorn.

"Mom, what kind of scientist was grandpa?" Phoebe asks

"Honestly, I don't know. i never met the man." Callie comments. "But one thing he certainly did in life was repel loved ones."

"Maybe a physicist?" Phoebe stated

"Sure." Callie responded, shrugging. "So, tomorrow, I was thinking of grabbing dinner with Gary."

Phoebe rose an eyebrow.

"Who's Gary?" Phoebe questioned

"The summer school teacher, Mr. Grooberson." Callie responded

"His name is Gary Grooberson??? You have a date with him??" Phoebe comments

"It's just dinner." Callie stated. "Goodnight."

Callie got up and left the room.

"Don't be yourself." Phoebe comments, getting a chuckle out of Callie

When her mother left the room, Phoebe opened the laptop back up and wrote down the phone number in the Ghostbusters ad.

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