Chapter 12

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In the living room, Phoebe was sitting in the chair, holding the PKE, tears coming out of her eyes a little. That's when Callie walked into view and dropped her bag.

"We're barely hanging on here." Callie comments

"You don't understand..." Phoebe says

"I understand that you drove around town destroying expensive property." Callie responds

Phoebe stood up and turned to her mother.

"Don't you think your father came out here for a reason??" Phoebe questioned

"No. No. I think he was a sad old man who turned his back on his family, his partners, and for what??" Callie responds. "For a stupid farm in a town nobody even cares about apart from the people who live here already. Where, by the way, everybody thought he was nuts??? Yeah, GREAT decision on his part."

"He was special. he loved science like me." Phoebe said. "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME MY GRANDFATHER WAS EGON SPENGLER?!?!???"

Callie took a deep breath.

"Hey, i'm glad you found yourself here, I really am." Callie comments. "But all I see are reminders that I didn't mean a thing to him. He never cared about me."

Phoebe walked over and said, "He's not nuts."

"Well, if he isn't nuts, then he's just an asshole." Callie says. "Welcome to the family."

Phoebe shoved her mom to the side and went upstairs. Meanwhile, in the Shandor mine, the temple carvings ere cracking a little before the eye on one of the dog-like carvings started glowing red.

At a Wal-Mart, a spectral ball suddenly shot into the place. Meanwhile, Grooberson was walking around, humming quietly to himself. He then went and grabbed some Baskin-Robbins ice cream. He heard someone screaming in the distance but shrugged it off and resumed what he was doing.

He eventually found himself in an isle and grabbed some ice cream toppings and picked up a bottle of blue velvet icing. He stopped what he was doing when a bag of Stay Puft Marshmallows began twitching a little, which caused him to go back over and kneel down a little to watch. Slowly, something tiny and white made it's way out of the bag. What it was shocked him.

It was a miniature  living version of the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man

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It was a miniature living version of the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man. It flopped onto the shelf the bag was on and had some trouble getting back up as it had gotten stuck to the grating. It eventually pried itself up, Grooberson waving a little before sticking his finger out.

Suddenly, it bit him causing him to jolt his hand back as more of the Mini-Pufts crawled out of the bag and there were more around the store causing general chaos with a Rumba, killing each other but they were getting enjoyment out of it.

"Oh god...." Grooberson comments

He goes to leave, walking past a grill where more were messing around and melting each other, getting some sort of sick sadistic enjoyment out of it, one even getting itself purposefully melted on a graham cracker and under a chocolate Hershey bar. However, Grooberson stopped in his tracks when he saw some sort of creature eating dog food, and he literally stopped dead in his tracks.

The beast was dog-like and had some sort of horns. He went to leave, but the Ruumba with Mini Pufts riding on it bumped into his feet before shooting off again just as the dog-like creature removed it's head form the dog food bag and looked at Grooberson, growling

 He went to leave,  but the Ruumba with Mini  Pufts riding on it bumped into his feet  before shooting off again just  as the dog-like creature removed it's  head form the dog food bag and  looked at Grooberson, growling

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It was a Terror Dog! Somehow, a Terror Dog ended up in the Summerville located Wal-Mart of all places as it growled at Grooberson.

"H-Hey budd-" Grooberson starts

The Terror Dog roared, causing Grooberson to scream and run as he chucked the ice cream and syrup back which pelted the Terror Dog in the head as Grooberson kept running. The Terror Dog proceeds to give chase,

Grooberson kept running as fast as he could to escape the Terror Dog but it didn't seem to be giving up, even after how much stuff in the Wal-Mart it knocked over. When getting out of the Wal-Mart, the Terror Dog simply rammed the automatic sliding doors down as Grooberson jumped and slid into his car, sitting back up and fumbling with his keys, trying to find the right one to start the engine.

"Man I wish I had a car that has a start button instead of needing a key...." Grooberson comments

He looked up when seeing the Terror Dog on his hood as it growled, lowering it's head. Suddenly, the front wheels of the car popped and hissed as the front end of the car descended to the ground. Grooberson slowly tried to reach for the inner door handle of the driver side door but before he could, the Terror Dog growled and roared loudly as it stuck it's head into the car, beginning the possession process.

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