Chapter 10: Kids in jail

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On the way back to Summerville, Trevor sighed.

"Does any of this bother you?" Trevor asks

"What do you mean?" Phoebe responds

"Dude, your grandfather was a legend." Podcast comments. "You can literally be anything you want!"

Trevor sighs again.

"I guess I just thought it was easier when I just thought he went nuts." Trevor stated

"he didn't go nuts." Phoebe says

"Exactly." Trevor responded. "So why did he leave mom?"

Before an answer could be made, some police car sirens were heard.

"Nonononono! We're so screwed" Trevor comments

"What do we do???" Phoebe comments

"Just check the glovebox or something." Trevor responds

However, when they checked, all that was in there was some old papers and a packaged Twinkie.

The sheriff, who was the officer in the car, walked up to the Ecto and knocked on the window which caused Trevor to roll it down.

"License and registration." The sheriff says

However, due to lack of a license and the registration papers being expired,they were sent to the jail cell block in the sheriff's office in the main police building.

"..we were on that big mountain and I went to go hang with this girl I work with and we hung by this rusty old mining cage and when we went in it, it just started shaking." Trevor explains. "Like an earthquake. And there was these lights and I looked down this giant hole and inside of it, right in the middle of it was either a person or a reptile or-are you even paying attention right now?"

"Yeah, i'm just excited about all this." Podcast comments

Trevor rolled his eyes before continuing with his story and saying, "I thought I heard something say.....'Gozer'."

"He speaks the truth. I was there." Lucky was heard saying as everyone looked over and saw her in a nearby cell

Trevor stood up.

"What brings you here?" Trevor asks

Before Lucky could respond, they heard the sheriff, Sheriff Domingo, talking and everyone looked over.

"Lucky, quit messing with my inmates." Domingo comments

"Sorry dad." Lucky comments

"So..the sheriff is your dad, so i'm guessing you're here while-" Trevor starts

"Waiting for my ride." Lucky finished as she stepped out of the cell. "But, you look good in that jumpsuit."

"Thanks." Trevor comments as Lucky walked off

Phoebe then remembered something and stood up, looking at the sheriff.

"Hey, don't we get one phone call each??" Phoebe asks

"Sure you do." Domingo responds as he walked over. "Who ya gonna call?"

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