09 || The pool

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Golf n' stuff was packed when we got there. I quickly looked over myself in the mirror to see my eyes were red and puffy, the same with my cheeks.

"I look disgusting," I muttered as I blinked, trying to get my eyes to not be so dry. "You look perfectly fine, love. If anyone gives you any trouble I'll be there." He replied. I nodded as I grabbed my beach bag out of the back with my swimsuit, towel, and sunglasses in it. I had dropped it off in here this morning considering he was the only one that had driven an actual car.

He pulled into a parking spot beside where all the other guys were standing with their motorcycles. The two of us got out of the car and walked towards them. I could tell they wanted to ask what was wrong but Johnny's glare told them not to.

We all made our way towards the pool and walked inside and to the locker rooms. The boys all went into the men's while I went into the woman's. I went into one of the stalls to change.

I pulled the black bikini on, buckling the top with much struggle, and pulled on a loose pair of shorts. Putting my clothes back into my bag I made my way out to where all the boys were putting their stuff on the tanning chairs.

The pool was filled with a lot of people I could recognize from school. I placed my bag beside the open chair by Johnny's and sat down. I placed my sunglasses on and leaned back.

I turned my head sideways to see Johnny sitting on the chair beside me with black swim trunks and a thin red cobra kai zip up.

He smiled at me when he noticed me looking and scooted his chair closer to mine so the two of us could lay beside one another. "Not gonna swim?" He asked. "I will, I just wanna sit for a moment. You can get in." I said. "Nah, I'll wait for you." He said and I nodded and looked back upwards.

I sat up quickly when a large splash of cold water landed on my legs. I looked to see Bobby and the others laughing as Tommy went to splash me again. "Tommy!" I said as I jumped up. "Come in! both of you!" He said.

"Okay fine," I said as I stood and took my sunglasses off. I pulled off my shorts and sat them beside my bag, looking to see Johnny standing in front of me. "What?" I asked. "Nothing." He just said with a smile.

Johnny and I got into the pool, me taking longer than him since the water was fairly cold. I made my way to where Johnny was leaning against the pool wall and leaned up next to him, watching the others play a intense game of pool volleyball.

I looked over my shoulder to make sure the others weren't looking before quickly kissing Johnny. "Sorry. I couldn't help myself." I said and he smiled and laughed as he looked over my shoulder.

I followed his line of sight to see Tommy staring, wide eyed and mouth open. "Bobby! Bobby! Did you see that?" He said as he made his way over to where Bobby was standing.

Oh, Ophelia || Johnny LawrenceWhere stories live. Discover now