22 || Official

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I yawned as my alarm blared in my ear. Monday, I mentally groaned. I stood from my bed, my safe haven, and stretched before pulling on a pair of blackish-grey jeans along with Johnny's Black sweatshirt followed by my black chucks.

I let my wavey hair down from the bun it had been in, simply running a brush through it and applying a layer of mascara and lipgloss before making my way to the kitchen. As soon as Daniel and I walked into the kitchen mom began singing Happy Birthday and placed a cake on the table.

"Happy birthday to my babies! I can't believe how old you two are." She said sadly. "Thank you, Ma." We both replied. "Are you and Johnny official yet, Ophie?" Mom asked, using the nickname I hadn't heard in years.

"Shut up, Daniel!" I said as he burst out laughing at the name. "And no Ma, not yet," I replied. "Soon. I know it." She said as she placed a plate of eggs and pancakes in front of Daniel and I.

I quickly ate before making my way down to the front of the building where Johnny was parked. I waved as Daniel took off on his bike, sliding into the passenger's seat of Johnny's car.

"Morning." I greeted him as I kissed him. "Happy birthday!" He said as he kissed me again. "Thanks, baby," I replied. "How'd you sleep?" He asked. "Good. It was kind've hard to fall asleep with how sore my legs are." I admitted. "Do you feel better now?" He asked.

"Not really. You better catch me if I fall." I joked and he laughed. "I was thinking... maybe you and I could do something tonight? For your birthday?" He asked. "Of course we can. I'm training with Mr. Miyagi until 7 but we can after." I said and he nodded.

Once at school the boys rushed towards the car, showering me with happy birthdays as they did so. "Thank you, guys," I replied as they finally stopped saying it. "We need to celebrate," Bobby said. "I agree. Let's all go to golf n' stuff." Tommy agreed.

"I can't tonight, I have training, and Johnny and I made plans but tomorrow?" I asked to which they nodded. "Perfect," I replied and once the bell rang I bid Johnny goodbye as Tommy, Bobby, and I made our way to English.

"Hey, Ophelia." A quiet voice greeted right as I was about to walk into the room. The three of us turned to see Cindy, looking at us with a shy smile. "I'll uh- meet you guys inside," I said to Bobby and Tommy and they nodded, making their way into the class.

"Hi, Cindy. I haven't talked to you in a while." I said, besides small smiles and waves it had been almost two weeks. "I know. I just wanted to wish you a happy birthday and apologize again for what I did." She said bashfully.

Oh, Ophelia || Johnny LawrenceWhere stories live. Discover now