•3• | small fluff

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No one POV:
It was morning Antonio was still sleeping Camilo was awake he put Antonio on his bed while Camilo got another extra glooves he found he hang his still wet glooves he need to get Tía Julieta food to heal his hand but he can't leave Antonio alone so he have to wait for Antonio to wake up.
—————————— Antonio Woke up
No one POV:
Antonio woke up and he saw Camilo holding a mask? Antonio didn't know what Camilo was doing so Antonio ask 'Hermano what are you doing?' Camilo look at Antonio 'oh, Estas despierto' ;your awake; Antonio nod as respond 'why don't you go eat breakfast hermanito?' ;little brother; 'aren't you gonna eat Hermano?' 'I will eat later Hermanito now go eat i join after ok?' Antonio nod as respond and left the room.
—–———————————— Stealing
Camilo POV:
I went out from my room and shapeshift as random people on the Village i saw Tìa Julieta food stand to heal people from the village i was behind of Tía Julieta food stand i shapeshift as Antonio and stole Tía Julieta food i shapeshift as random people and ate the food i shapeshift as myself again and the scars is gone i open my glooves and put it on my pocket i went back to the Casita.
—————————— He Found out.
Bruno POV:
I was going to visit Camilo i knock on Camilo door and he didn't respond 'Milo Are you in there?' I knock again and the door was unlock i found Camilo shapeshifting randomly?¿ 'Camilo!?' He stopped shapeshifting after a few second 'Camilo are you okay!?' He was shaking 'Tío Bruno..? why are you in my room.' 'That not important why did you randomly shapeshift?' Camilo was shock he tried to stood up to close the door 'Camilo let me close the door for you just stay still' i went to close the door 'Tío why are you here?' Camilo asked me 'well i wanted to visit you but the real question is why did you randomly shapeshift?' Camilo went quite did i say something wrong? 'Espejo' ;mirror; i didn't know what he mean't by mirror 'A qué te refieres con espejo?' ;what do you mean by mirror; 'everytime i look on the mirror i will shapeshift randomly.' I was shock 'how did that happened?' 'no sé' ;i don't know; Camilo was laying in my lap i pat his head and he fell asleep.
—————————— End of the Night

Note from Writer:
Hello! Thank you for the support i felt a bit better my sickness wasn't bad so it was easy to heal, english wasn't my first language so if there any spelling wrong please tell me i will fix it right away and i use google translate for the spanish part so if there any wrong spelling then please tell me i will fix it. I know this is short i will try to make it longer!

Camilo Madrigal Angst | HeadcanonWhere stories live. Discover now