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Mirror/Mila POV:
I woke up and saw Camilo was still sleeping i'm not actually a MaGicAl Mirror i'm just stuck in the mirror and now i'm just helping people until i got a people to free me or replace me, suffering isn't it? This is my life Stuck.
Camilo POV:
i woke up and yawn 'Buenos días Mila' i said cheerfully 'Buenos días' ;goodmorning; The Mirror or Mila Responded i walk to my closet and change after that i look at the Mirror and ask 'do you wanna come with me Mila?' The mirror was quite at first 'Seguro que es aburrido aquí' ;sure is boring here; I laugh and went to get the Mirror.
——————— Breakfast with a Mirror?
Camilo POV:
I Put the mirror beside the table i didn't know if a magical mirror ate so i just bought Arepa with me to feed the Mirror? It sounded weird i know, after breakfast i went outside and ask 'Mila do you eat?' I look at the mirror and they responded 'yes i do who doesn't eat?' i laugh but put the arepa on top of the mirror and the mirror suck the Arepa inside the mirror? that weird 'wow how is that possible!?' The Mirror Laugh 'i told you that im a Magical Mirror don't be dumb' i was still confused but i shook my head and wait until Mila/Mirror finish eating their Arepa.
———————— After Finish The Apera
Mirror/Mila POV:
Shocking That Camilo feed me, he was the first person who actually feed me i felt happy because the Arepa was Tasty funny how Camilo didn't believe i needed food but im really thankful for Camilo for feeding me.
—————————— End of Chapter

Note From Writer:
I'm so sorry if this short and if i spell Arepa wrong please please tell me i will fix it right away please don't ship Mila or the mirror with Camilo i want them to be friend/siblings ish only, i will write more chapter!!

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