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This chapter contain:
Mean Abuela
Genie magic stuff
Weird stuff
Mean word

No one POV:
after mila finish eating they went back to casita and just talk in camilo room they didn't know what to do so yeah just talk until is night time, camilo hearded someone knocking so he hide mila and went to get the door he saw.. Pepa, Felix, Abuela and Dolores.
——————— Switch POV
Camilo POV:
Why are they here? 'Uhm do you need anything..?' I gulp and Abuela answered my question 'yes Dolores heard you talking to someone who is that?' I was shock i thought our room is soundproof!? or was i talking to loud oh dear Arepa i'm in big trouble 'oh- uh.. i was uhm-.. talking to the bird!' Abuela stares at me 'there no bird, if there is where is it?' I was shock i didn't know what to lied anymore i sigh 'i was talking to my Friend.' Abuela started to chuckle 'since when you have fRiEnD you don't even go out to help prople why would they wanna be your Friend?' That word hurt a lot but of course i keep my tears to myself Mama looks angry, was she angry at me or Abuela? Cloud started to appears and i back away 'ma! calm down i can get you a café o té' ;coffee or tea; Pepa sighed 'Dolores can you get me a té?' Dolores nodded and walks away why did mama didn't let me do it? i guess she was mad at me 'Camilo show me your little "fRiEnD" if you even have one' Abuela laugh in Anger i wen't to my closet and grab the mirror 'this magical mirror is my friend her name is mila you can trust if it my friend or not.' Abuela still laughing and look at the mirror 'are you sure is mAgIcAl it look bad you should throw it.' why can't abuela just let me do what i want? Before i could talk Dolores went back at gave mama a Té mama started to calm down 'Mila? Can you talk to me' i want to prove Abuela wrong 'what do you need..' Abuela and the others was shock that the mirror could talk 'mira are we friend?' Again trying to prove them wrong that i have friend 'your my owner but you wish to be my friend so yes i am your friend.' Wait she only friend with me because of Wish?.. i went silent but started talking 'see! I told you i have friend!!' Abuela hummed in harsh tone and walks away the other walks away with a cold stares it scare me i close the door and lock it after that i right away asked mira if it just because of a Wish. 'Mila are you friend with me just because of a Wish?' Tears slowly falling down from my eyes it hurt, word can Hurt. 'Well no i'm your friend if you want me to be is not a wish you have 5 wishes and none of them is used, please stop crying i was just Trying to help you.' I wipe my tears and looked at the mirror 'that sweet but since when we have wishes?' In confusion i of course needed answer 'i'm a mAgIcAl Mirror but i'm not a genie you can summon.' I laugh a bit 'so i can make any wishes?' 'Yeah but nothing weird i'm not a cupid or a Angel' i nodded as i understand that mila can't make people fall in-love for you 'well how do you feel in the mirror?' 'Is boring why do you ask?' 'Well can i make a wish?' 'Yeah, why so sudden?' 'I just wanna try' 'oh go on you can make a wish.' I nodded and my wish was.. 'i wish that your free from the mirror.' I was not 100% sure about that but i hope it work out
————————— Change POV
No one POV:
Mila was shock he wish her to be Free? Suddenly glowing yellow stuff appears from the mirror Camilo was shock that it work he was happy, Mila was standing and fall because she outside from the mirror for the first time 'are you okay Mila?' Mila nodded 'Thank you Camilo' Camilo smiles and hugged Mila.

And Boom happy ending blah blah they both become close friend and stuff, Camilo introduce Mila to the Famillia and no more stuff happen Camilo is happy with Mila being His Friend and done The End.
—————— End of The Story?

Note From Writer:
I might finish this story because i have nothing in mind but if you wanna read more camilo story of mine, you can read my villian Camilo story or leave some Angst story you want me to put here! I accept request but please make the plot clear thank you for reading <3!

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