30.Pride - Words spoken in anger

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Nagging doubt didn't let him rest at night. Well-ghost didn't say anything when he tossed again changing his position. Restless he couldn't do nothing but think about his failures here. His brain presented him film titled ,,Thousand failures of Shi Shuan's life''. In those books and comics transmigration looked easier. With overpowered cheat the protagonist just walked path full of glory building his harem. Was it only his bad luck or brutal reality ? Doesn't matter, outcome is the same.

Only hours later he finally fell into Morpheus arms. In his half-awake he felt caressing golden rays of sunrise. Vase on the shelf reflected bright light directly to his face forcing him to shift again.

Next time his senses returned it was late. The lack of a watch made it difficult to tell the time. Close to eleven ? He thought so drowsy stretching his numb legs.

-What tormented you at night ?-the Flame lit up near him.-You've fallen asleep only when the day came.

-Nothing. Just thinking. I didn't felt tired at all maybe because of the full moon ?

The spirit just sighed soundlessly. He didn't press the matter for what Shi Shuan was really grateful. But... weren't he able to read his thoughts ?

It was hard to determinate having only flickering blue flame as a clue. He didn't felt like explaining all this mess about past life. This didn't exist from a long time, he tried to think like that.

-What are you string at ?-irritated he flew in front of his face.-Just step out of this room already ! I'M BORED OUT OF MY MIND !!!

-Sorry.-he muttered then soothed bird's nest on his head and changed in clean set of clothes.

Not the one he used before. It she begged for vengeance from heaven from a long time. It was much simpler. Pure white with obi-shaped silver belt.

Finally ready he pushed the door open and stepped into swarm of servants rushing along the corridors.

-Woha ! How lively.-commented Shi Shuan.

-I wonder what's going on...-added the Flame hiding inside his ,,well''.

-Why did you hid ? People without spiritual energy can't see you.

-There are many priests near. No need causing havoc. It's enough that High Priest found out.-he said likely angry as Shi Shuan strolled without purpose following the river of people.

-He knows ? What did you do back then ?-he said passing by another group of servants carrying huge basket with tablecloth.

-Just explained our situation, nothing else.

Shi Shuan sighed. So he will never know ? The priest didn't looked like if it was just that.

Before he processed he walked past heavy decorated door to the huge hall where they all gathered. The tables were settled in shape of ,,U''. The prince sitting in the middle as always fanning himself, this time with wine-colored fan noticed his arrival.

-Oh Byakko !-he shouted strangely happy.-So you finally got up !

Surprised he looked at him strangely.

-When you were sleeping two servants checked on you. Probably he sent them.-voice inside his head informed.

-As you can see.-he said plainly.-What's happening here ?

-I was just about to tell you !-he clasped his hands and everyone paused and was looking at him as if awaiting orders, but he just continued.-After such a wonderful victory under Hai Su it would be a sin not to throw a lavish party, don't you agree ? It must be celebrated properly specially when he had perfect reason !

-Weren't there already a party directly after the battle ? Why do it again ?

The man's gaze paused at him for a while but then he returned to fanning and observing workers.

-And you call yourself a God ? Aren't Gods the ones celebrating on the pantheon for hours on end ? Shouldn't we follow their example ? Thar mere party earlier won't be comparable with this grand even today !

Shi Shuan looked at him indifferent felling his irritation growing to it's limit, anger boiling in his heart. The last boozing was already out of place with all this injured and dead. Was celebrating this right ?!

-Yes, but my thinking isn't wrong.-he said icily.-It wasn't grand victory, but just fighting fire at hand. To glorify we had to wipe the danger completely for-

-Your gibbering is boring.-he cut in and yawned on show.-It is worth celebrating. We can give our people the reason to smile isn't that good ? Am I right everyone.-the last part was almost shouted.

Deaf silence under prince's stare transformed into wild support. It couldn't be more fake.

-Hopeless case.-commented well-ghost while stupid prince looked pleased.

His robes were embroiled with golden patterns. All those dragons, flowers and olive branches looked as if they were barley holding together in such small space and with any movement they can splash around. This splendour didn't reflect the situation of the kingdom at all. The prince didn't seem to be aware of danger.

-Annoying.-the word left his lips on it's own making the whole hall froze, including the prince - his fan stopped midway. No turn back.

-Your behaviour is outrageous.-he said more confidently walking forward.-Do you even care what's happening around you ?-he did not rise his voice but it was still horrifying - icy cold and low filled with anger like a beast ready to attack.

The prince shook off his feeling and furiously pointed at him.-How can you speak like that to your prince ?! I'm this palace's owner and you should show me some respect !

-Respect ?-he chuckled and continued spatting every word in low voice.-How dare you talk about respect not knowing what it is ! This respect should be given to those who died protecting this country !

Servants froze wishing they could be somewhere far away. A few tried to sneak away while the prince was even more angry and red.

-What do you know ?!-his word were full of poison, making stabs more painful but Shi Shuan was numb to it. He heard much worse.

-More than you. Some day your people will turn their backs at you-

-GET OUT OF MY PLACE !-he roared.-Guards ! Take him out if my sight !

Shi Shuan felt satisfaction.

-No need. I can walk on my own.-he swiftly turned around and left with determined footsteps. All this anger and hatred accumulating in his heart from a long time broke free letting him lift his chin high to look straight at the sun without hesitation. Where should he go ?

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