17.Destiny and decision

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-Before, I would like to get rid of this.-he showed the cage in his arms.

The man surprised scanned the gadget.

-Fascinating.-he said following the handwork with his fingerprints.-It seems it's strengthened with spiritual energy. Without the key it certainly won't be easy.

Shi Shuan sighed.

-So there is a way to open it without the key ? In this mess I didn't have the time look for it.

The other nodded examining it over once again.

-I know the spell to break spiritual metal but it consuming enormous amounts of energy.  Even if I wanted I can't do it.

-Tell me more about that spell.-he said urging the man with exceptionally crimson eyes and smiled smugly.-I will cast it.

-Are you sure, my lord ?-he asked worriedly.-Your hand doesn't look too good...

Only now did me remembered about it. Earlier he used it to make a fire-wall, but now he noticed how fast did it recovered. The bone has healed but from the outside it still looked bad. Inside everything was going into the right direction which surprised him.

-No problem.

-So the basic of the spell is to fill with energy the thing you want to destroy. Most important is the incantation. It has to be certain and steady cause' if not there will be backslash.

Shi Shuan listened attentively observing the well-ghost who didn't even had a strength to 
say anything. Those few days away must have been hard for him. If the rescue would take place a little later he wouldn't make it in one piece. As Byakko though about it his determination rose. He can't disappoint him now ! He focused his heart on the incantation he had to repeat.

-Energy is earth, earth is energy. It allow to reach unreachable...

It sounded a bit like a childish poem but with each word the energy flow changed a little. A the beginning drowsy and slow now it flowed like a waterfall. Truly amazing felling. The metal bars bent. It seems his first incantation went well !

Relieved he put well-ghost on his hand for him to disappear in his body. It will take some time for him to came out.

-Well done ! With the first try - truly worthy being a god.

Being prised to heavens he didn't feel good at all. He just felt like an idiot catching how to add two with two.

-Don't waste time. If we are going to reach the capital it will take some time.

-Capital ? It won't be necessary. High Priest and prince Ju are currently at the frontier at the Hai Su gorge. The situation doesn't look good there.

Understanding the meaning Shi Shuan tensed. It seems he can't escape fate that easily... He took a while to put himself together. No matter which side he took -the Demon, Ju or Western kingdom - he will still have to face that war.

-Take me to Hai Su gorge.-he said coldly with power, the man bower respectfully.


The journey was really long even when traveling by horses. A few days of riding non-stop his back ached so much that he couldn't even have a popper rest at night. Feng Tao who accompanied him tried to ease it a little with hand-made medicine and  herbal tea which really helped a bit but his thoughts were spinning around Shen Yuan. The Demon won't let him go. He will definitely come back to take back his revenge. But he won't give up without a fight when it comes.

After 3 days they finally saw a gorge with not much green around which went orange and red quite a while ago. It looked like dessert when one looked at the sunset painting grass around yellow. When they came down from their horses a huge crowd gathered around with one person standing out.

-My lord !-bubbly voice reached him then caught off guard he was wrapped in a light and wary embrace.-I'm is so glad you are alright.-High Priest expressed then almost kneeled while hanging on disoriented Shi Shuan and begging for forgiveness.

-This subject wasn't able to keep you safe, my lord.-his behaviour resembled more a parent's joy after their kids return than begging for for forgiveness.

But this thought caused Shi Shuan heart to be ripped apart. Because of his incompetence the whole nation can suffer.

Recomposing himself he helped High Priest up.

-From now on I won't allow even dust from the tiles which from we will build better tomorrow to fall on good person !-just after the words left his lips he felt embarrassed like hell. What was that text ?!

-Long live to the Lord !-one started followed by all the crowd worshipping the man who's only wish was to reincarnate as a lazy carefree cat.

Only the Demon listening from behind the burned platform felt sorrow mixed with madness huge enough to fill his whole heart which was made in bloody decision. He turned and walked away in the direction of the setting sun ignoring everything what will block his way.

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