42.A town of two ghosts and Demon

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Sadly ash-path cut off before a small town. Ghost and Demon searched for some hidden paths for a long time but it seemed that they entered the town.

-He has got some guts !-commented well-ghost.-He can't be just that stupid.

-He knew what to do to hid the track. It seems he's not here.

The spirit glared at him full of suspicions.

-I wanted to ask you this from last at time. How. Are. You. So. Sure ? -he spat out every word floating closer to his face with each.

-Sorry to disappoint you. I'm not involved in kidnapping.-he said avoiding some random group of people. They all stared at him.

-So how are you so sure ? Don't tell me you planted some wicked spell on him ?!

To avoid a scene he left the main street and entered smaller one with tea shop. So that no on would see.

-Don't get so worked up. There's no such a spell. My subordinate is with him. That's the whole trick.-he said looking around. Quite nice street.

-And what else ! Don't tell me ya' watch him bathing ?!-he barked angrily.-That's not your toy ! Don't hang around him like a shadow !

Demon smirked.

-I have more rights to him than anyone will ever have. If not for me e would have already visited yellow springs.


He finally slowly looked at him with ashen face and burning eyes as a clear contrast. A fury bounded inside him as his hands clenched in fists while he was trying his hardest to not kill that lowly worm before him. Spirit realised he crossed the line and  shut up petrified. Or maybe was satisfied and laughed his head off inside from Shen Yuan's reaction. He closed his eyes turned and walked away like an asura, those words still ringing inside his head.

Just mere lowly ghost without it's own place. He's not able to live longer than a week on his own...

Shen Yuan snapped out of it and looked up. He didn't notice how fast he walked and with his deadly aura how much attention did he caught.

Restoring his expressionless face he walked in the direction of a decent-looking inn ,,imperial vault''. Cold breeze swayed the table with the title. Clouds from the north were getting closer and closer announcing the coming of winter. Better to rest in real sleeping place tonight rather than in forest outside as usual.

-Follow.-he simply commended well-ghost floating quietly behind him not looking back.

Light-coloured wood inside gave off much better feeling than dark and gloomy outside. It was warm and comfortable specially because of the fireplace behind the old lady who slimed at them as soon as they walked in.

-Welcome honoured guest !-she said cheerfully despite her old age.

-A room for two for one night, please.-he said shortly scanning the women as she searched for the key.

-Here. Second floor.-she put the right kay on the table and smiled with understanding.-Young lad are you waiting for your lover ?-she asked friendly.-When I was young everyone used to observe the stars with their fated half ! Truly beautiful times ! Ach... I wish old days could  came back !

-Separate beds.-he explained and the women apologised greatly confused then gave him the right key.

-My bad, here you go.-he left the money on the table and quickly left for the room. The old lady wasn't pleased with his attitude puffing and huffing under her nose something about youngsters these days. 

After closing the door he went straight for the bed and laid flat gazing at the ceiling.

-Why two beds ?

-Even if you can't sleep then sit there. I can't bear to share my space with you. Oh, but if you prefer the floor then go ahead.-he said wryly.

The black ball following it's master's words obediently climbed up and stayed there unmoving and unblinking. The well-ghost only approached the window. The room was warm but only Demon felt any difference. For two ghosts it was only simply closed space with some funny furnitures made from trees.

-Search.-he said tiredly and the small ghost immediately reacted. No matter how funny it was he was unwilling to waste time so much that he didn't want to sleep doing nothing. No much nonsense glued itself to this god of misfortune. Was he even able to do anything himself ?-he thought drifting to sleep.

Until now he only lost a lot of precious time without any results. How laughable. He didn't necessary need him for achieving his goal. It was supposed to help but only made things more complicated. His mind circled around Byakko. He just couldn't understand him ! He's silly with everything he's doing but sometimes create miracles from thin air. So is he dumb ? Or simply pretending ? Maybe he's just playing with him to kill boredom. Tired of thinking he allowed himself to completely fall asleep. Only a few hours later did he woke up by a familiar sound.

The outside was still dark when the proud black ball returned noisily informing them about it's presence.

-I...I ! ...FOUND !-only after that did the Demon woke up for real.

-Hurry !-complained well-ghost visibly happy.

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