Chapter Thirty Two- Protocol

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Just as the King had said would happen, ten ships bearing the flag of God's Land appeared on the horizon late next evening.

Both Eboni and Bren stood for an hour on the rocky shore watching and waiting, anxious and eager to see who came off the ships as the first sun dipped into the ocean.

The ships dropped anchor, small rowing boats finishing the rest of the journey.

Eboni smiled, tears welling up in her eyes as she saw the familiar faces of her family.

High priest Jon and Sister Arianna took the lead, clambering out of the boats onto the rocks before rushing forward and enveloping both Bren and her in warm embraces.

"I'm so sorry that we left, we should have stayed- fought beside you." Eboni cried as High priest Jon stood back to survey them both.

He shook his head, bringing her back in a strong hug, wiping the tears from her cheeks as he sighed sadly.

"You did the right thing my children. We fought well. The Dark Ones fled when they realised their prize had escaped."

"What of God's Land, who is- gone?" Bren asked, choking out through tears as he surveyed the Brothers and Sisters who were now gathering behind the high priest. High Priest Jon turned to Arianna who nodded solemnly.

"Many were lost, but you should not hold their souls on your conscious. They fought for their creator, for the light. Their sacrifice will never be forgotten."

"Who?!" Bren asked, holding Eboni closer to him as more tears rolled down both of their cheeks.

But Eboni already had the answer in front of her.

Arianna's robes were edged with gold. Only a High Priestess had that honour.

Meeting Arianna's sympathetic- pitiful- gaze she knew she was right.

"She's been replaced already?" Eboni spat, fury, anger, grief, loss consuming her at once.

High Priestess Elena was the only motherly figure she had ever known. She was the one who found her on the steps. The one who dried her tears after nightmares as a child. The one who reasoned with her as she reached adolescence and wanted off that forsaken island. She had taught her how to love, how to be the best version of herself she could possibly ever be. And now she was gone. Replaced.

"Eboni-" Arianna started, stepping forward. Her reaching arms seeking to comfort only threatening to suffocate her more.

"Don't." Eboni replied, steeping back and out of Bren's arms. "Just don't."

With Bren shouting for her to go back and the silence of a beloved father figure and teacher whom she had admired all her life, she fled. Back to the tower. Back to her room with her lilies.

Passing the startled gazes of Kas and Atu, who were busy looking over battle plans that had been drawn up by Orlan and Darien that morning. Past the now adorned Princess who had returned to putting bows in her hair and the fighter on the stairs who had jumped straight into certain death just to prove they were as capable a fighter as any man.

Ignoring their gazes, she ran up the winding staircases, her body numb, mind screaming as she flung herself into her bed, burying herself under the blankets, vowing stay there for eternity.

The Darkness wasn't supposed to take Elena. Anyone but her. She should have been there. She should have saved her. She should have stood up and fought. But she didn't. Instead she fled. Because she was scared. Because she was weak.

"Eboni?" Said the one voice she did not want to hear.

"Please, just let me be." Eboni whispered into her pillow.

"I'm sorry Eboni, but you know the protocol. There has to be a High Priestess."

Eboni sighed. She knew the rules of course, Elena had to have an immediate successor. God's Land always had to have a High Priestess. Arianna was the obvious successor.

Sitting up and wiping the tears from her cheeks, Eboni finally looked, really looked, at Arianna.

Though her white and gold robes were crisp and clean, her eyes were weary, skin pale, hair limp.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking." Eboni replied softly, realising that her anger was misplaced.

"I know she meant a great deal to you, you meant a lot to her too." Arianna said.

Tears welled up in Eboni's eyes again, rubbing them roughly from her eyes she took a deep breath, knowing crying wouldn't solve anything.

"How are you finding being High Priestess? Are you up for the challenge?" She asked, wanting to change the subject.

Arianna looked at her strangely- had she said something wrong?

"Eboni- I'm only acting High Priestess. When this is all over and you return to God's Land the position is yours, it always has been."

Her heart faltered.


"I thought you knew." Arianna said, smiling sadly.

"Knew?" Eboni asked, not knowing what to think, what to do, what to say.

"When the Priestess found you on the steps we all figured you would be brought up to take position. When you developed your power, I knew it would be you." Arianna picked at the gold in the edge of her robes.

"But I thought it would be you!" Eboni exclaimed.

Arianna laughed bitterly. "Always so humble. But the decision has been made, Elena named you her successor. As soon as the war is over and Light has conquered Darkness. We will return and the ceremony will go forward, granting you the position of High Priestess of God's Land."

Eboni nodded stiffly, her mouth slightly agape in shock as she processed the words coming from Arianna's mouth.

Arianna chuckled, standing from the bed she turned to back to face her.

"We will win Eboni, and when we do, we will go home." With a quick squeeze of a hand Arianna disappeared out the door.

Laying back Eboni stared up at the lilies, trying to absorb the information that she had just heard.

Her. She was the one that Elena had chosen to take on the responsibility, the leadership, the burden that comes with being the High Priestess.

It was the highest honour a Sister could have. Eboni could think of many Sisters who had dedicates the lives to the temple, who had chosen this life. Arianna included.

Has Elena truly chosen her for the role just because of the gift she possessed? She knew nothing of how to run the temple and conduct the ceremonies. She hadn't even reached her 20th year!

A heavy weight collected in her chest as she imagined her future.

A life on God's land without Bren, without Elena. The thought saddened her. It wouldn't be the life she would choose.

What life would she choose? Rolezal was too pompous and brash for her liking. Admari to hot, Cerina too closed off. Sher wood? Kas had made it clear he like her, but their way of life was primitive and though Kas and Atu had accepted her she doubted their people would.

Perhaps she should stay here, on the Barren Land? Now the group had completed Elementi's goal and made the rocky land a habitable paradise she was sure people would settle.

Living her life in this tower didn't seem like such a bad idea.

With those bought a drifting numbly through her mind she slipped into a dreamless sleep.

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