Chapter Four- Revelations

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Eboni had sat on her windowsill long after the second sun had set, lighting candles so she could read the pages until there were no pages left to be read.

Hastily throwing on her day cloak as the first sun had risen from the ocean, she made her way, books in hand, to the temple. The courtyard empty and silent as everyone else was yet to be woken from their sleep.

Sitting on the front row, staring at the elements from the evening before, still in their copper bowls, she began to pray.

The books had shaken her to the core. Their content confusing, frightening. She had been taught long ago that Light had overcome the Darkness, just as Elementi had deemed it so. The Darkness was something told to young children to keep them well behaved. Stories. Just Stories. They had always been just stories.

Reaching for the first book, she turned to the first page. Reading it again to prove to herself that she was not going mad.

Before the creator departed this world for the next, he wrote the sacred scroll. He had watched for many years as his creations had grown and developed, some pleased him and others did not.

Yet he held to his word and he had made a vow at the beginning of time itself to not undo anything that had been done. Yet, he realised that one day those who had not pleased him would turn forever from the Light.

As he had predicted, the land we know at Tozaro became consumed by Darkness, vowing that one day they would take the world for their master. Elementi knew that he had to find a way to stop them from destroying the Light once he had moved on.

He threw into the future elements of himself, knowing that when the time came only those who had the power to match the Dark Ones could defeat them and claim the lands for Light once more.

The door to the temple opened, a familiar presence sitting down by Eboni's side as her mind tried to make sense of what was in front of her.

"Is any of what you taught me true?" She whispered, setting down the book, no longer able to look at it for fear the tears she had been holding would finally fall.

"Yes, my child." The High Priestess. "All but this. I could not tell you about this, not until we were sure." She replied.

"What does it all mean? What does any of it mean?"

"You have read all of the books?" She asked.

"Yes." Eboni replied.

"Then you have read about the sacred scroll?" The High Priestess asked, standing and walking to the copper bowls in front of them.

"Yes." Eboni replied again, this time in a whisper.

"The sacred scroll, is a prophecy. Bound by time to come true when all is aligned. When the Darkness is rising and the elements reborn. The High Priests and Priestess's of Gods Land, since the beginning of time, have tried to decipher the prophecy. Infer its meanings. But it was all in vain. We could but guess. Until you were brought to the temple and left on the doorstep."

"So, you knew. You knew my gift was given by Elementi- and for what? So I can be thrown into a battle between Light and Darkness? What exactly am I supposed to do!?" Eboni too stood from her chair, her confusion turning to hurt as she realised she had been living a lie her entire life.

"I am sorry, my child. For keeping this from you. But we did not know when- if- anything would happen. I did not want to burden you." High Priestess Elena dipped her hand into the water before waving her hand over the still burning flames.

"You should have told me." Eboni said, walking to the bowl of fire, she could feel her hurt turning to anger. "Is there anything else you are hiding from me?"

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