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Hello lovely readers!

I am completely overwhelmed by the amount of love and support you have given me throughout my time writing this book.

The first draft is complete! And that is what this is - a FIRST draft.

Those of you who know me know I love to plan before I write. So over the past month I have been using your feedback to help me go through the book marking out where i want to change and add things.

And it has led me to this-

Over the next few months I will be adding around 5 BRAND NEW chapters and completely rewriting 2 of them.

There will be more Gods land in the beginning. More Raus, Kimi and Orlan- all of who I never expected to play such a big role! There will be more world building and more character development, especially with Eboni, Bren and Iasa and Drar.

The overall plot will stay the same and as I go through editing everything will still flow and make sense, so I hope you join me at the end of the year for the completed second draft!

As always, all your comments, critiques and pointing out of mistakes are welcome- infact encouraged!

Rachael x


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