Chapter Thirty Three- Collide

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Eboni knew that the others wanted to know how she was faring after the evening before. She was thankful though that they had not pried and that Bren nor Arianna had not said anything.

She had slept through dinner and all the night so upon waking with the first sun, Eboni was energised and determined to make something of the day, her heart heavy with grief, but filled with determination.

Figuring out what to do didn't take long at all. Over breakfast she suggested they train with each other- using both their powers and their hand to hand combat skills.

Eboni knew that the Dark Ones would be upon them soon, so any extra knowledge she could amass about fighting and war would be useful.

The group- with the addition of Darien, were now sat on the soft grass outside of the tower, relishing in the warmth and sun shine that was hitting them as the second sun rise from beneath the waves.

High priest Jon led the first lesson on the day, much to the disappointment of Orlan and Darien who were both expecting to learn of new weapons and techniques, not mind games, to aid them in their fight

"Self-control over one's body will improve one's control over your weapon. For those with elements it will open the mind, allowing better and safer control over your power. For those without, it will allow you to control your heart rate and sense your body in a way in which reaction times and forward thinking become easier." High priest Jon explained. He joined them on the ground, crossing his legs and resting the palms of his hands on his knees.

After Eboni and Bren followed his lead on how they were to be positioned the rest followed

"Close your eyes and breathe deeply and exhale. Do this until you feel yourself relaxing, and your heart rate steady, mind empty." He instructed.

With a life time of practice, Eboni's mind immediately filled with the image of her element flowing through her body. The comforting white ribbons hypnotising her into a lull.

"Bren, my son. What is your new-found ability? What do you feel, see?" High priest Jon asked after long moment in which only the sound of the Rolezal army sitting in the camp could be heard.

"I feel numb. I see black fog, it flows through my power pathway- but I can turn it white. I can counteract the Darkness." Bren replied. Relief evident in his voice.

"Good. Practice Bren and you shall gain good control over your ability. What of Eboni- what do you see? Feel?"

"I feel warm, white ribbons are dancing and flowing through my power pathway." She said, sighing contently, keeping her eyes closed.

"And what of you, Iasa?"

"Red hot, liquid fire. It is flowing rapidly through the pathway in a continuous circuit." Iasa replied.

Eboni smiled as she remembered the happiness Iasa had felt when she had first seen her power inside her mind.

"The more control you have over your mind, the more control you have over yourself and your power. Well done, Iasa. Bren has told me of how diligently you have practiced with him." High Priest Jon said.

She has? Eboni wondered her connection with her power pathways faltering as she reminded herself that Bren and Iasa had spent a lot of time together without her. No doubt Bren had been helping her meditate.

"Atu, what can you sense?" High Priest Jon asked.

"I can't see anything- but i can feel it rushing through my body. Is that normal? Atu replied, his voice on edge as though nervous about possibly failing in his task.

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