Chapter Nineteen- Secrets

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"What do we do now?"

Eboni and Kas were stood inside his room, brushing dirt and loose twigs from each other's clothes after being flung back up the mountain at an incredible speed.

"We don't tell the others- not until we are out of the reach of the Empress." Kas replied shrugging off his cloak.

"I agree, but we leave tomorrow morning. I can't spend a moment longer than is completely necessary knowing The Darkness is poisoning the mind of our host, and goodness knows who else." Eboni said taking Kas's and her own cloak, laying them over a chair.


A pounding on the door froze them in their tracks, both stunned to silence.

"Brother- Eboni!" Atu called out louder than was necessary "There are servants here to get you out of bed and help you dress appropriately for the feast."

Kas looked to Eboni, fear of being caught shining through his eyes until a plan sprung into his mind.

"Just a moment!" He called out before whispering for Eboni to take off her shoes and climb into the bed.

She kicked off her shoes and clambered into the bed, bringing the bed sheets up to her chest.

Kas rolled over and pulled her into his chest.

"What are you doing?!" Eboni hissed.

"Why else would to grown people sleep in the same bed when another was available?"

Eboni blushed at the thought of being seen in Kas's arms by the others but it was quickly replaced with fear of being found out as he called for the servants to enter.

A man and a young woman entered, followed by Atu, who grinned shamelessly at the sight before him.

"Sister Eboni, if you could follow me please?" The young girl asked nervously.

"Yes, of course!" Eboni pulled herself from Kas's warm embrace, scooping up her shoes she mumbled goodbye to Kas and Atu before following her servant to her room, glad that the others were out of the lounge and in their own rooms so she didn't have any witnesses to her bright red blushing cheeks.

The next hour was filled with bathing and preening. The dress laid out on her bed was blood red and extremely tight, ending just below her knees with a slit up either side from the bottom to the middle of her thighs.

It was the most revealing thing she had ever worn, but the thoughts of how she felt in the dress disappeared as she remembered that she would not be able to avoid the Empress tonight.

"Sister Eboni?" The servant girl said timidly.

"Yes?" She made sure to smile kindly, not liking the fact that this girl seemed to be afraid of her.

"The others are waiting for you." She held the door open for her and Eboni walked through to where the others were waiting.

Bren was the first to see her, a frown falling onto his face.

"What's wrong?" She asked shocked, had she done or said something that had upset him?

"Nothing." He sighed.

"Oh, that dress looks amazing on you!" Iasa said as Eboni turned to the rest of the group.

"Ready?" Orlan said after a second of silence.

Atu rolled his eyes, nudging for Kas to start walking. Bren and Iasa were stood to the side watching them, Iasa with a small smirk and Bren with a scowl.

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