Chapter 2: Just Admit it already!

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Tenkos Pov:

It's Impossible!

I would Never like that Degenerate let alone that he is....

I have no idea what to say about him

Am I in denial?!

I need to talk to someone about this

Maybe Himiko at lunch!

I Ran back to the Classroom after I stopped being Red

No ones Pov:

"Oh tenko how are you?" Someone With some French ass accent spoke to the Green haired Female

"Huh? What do you want you degenerate?!" Tenko said as she faced the Perverted Cook

"Oh nothing just wandering if you wanted to try one of my cupcakes I made" Teruteru said handing tenko over one with A green theme colors and her name on it

"Whatever" tenko said as she grabbed it suspicious of it but kept it anyway

She went and sat next to Rantaro

"You alright?" Rantaro asked Tenko checking up on her

"Yes I'm fine and it's not any of your business you degenerate!"

"Alright If you say soo" Rantaro said going back to chatting with Makoto naegi who sat on the Table next to him

"Ah good morning Chabashira-chan!" Naegi called out

"Good morning Naegi.."Tenko never usually responded to Men when they talked to her but she was in a good mood so she responded to him

The class went perfectly fine and after a couple more classes it was already time for lunch

"Okay now where's himiko!" Tenko thought

Tenko searched the cafeteria but himiko was no where to be spotted so she gave her a call

"Hello?" Himiko picked up

"Hey Himiko! Where are we eating lunch today?" Tenko asked

"Oh me and Kokichi are waiting
For you outside in the small garden outside where the small Shop is located" himiko said

"Oh okay see you guys there!" Tenko said as she hanged up

Himiko and Kokichi were Dating for almost 7 months now and I guess you could say Tenko accepted their relationship but was suspicious of kokichi in the beginning but learned to accept him as himikos lover

Tenko walked out of the school to that garden next to it to spot himiko and kokichi talking

"Hey Himiko and Kokichi I'm here" Tenko said as she Ran up to them

"Hey Tenko" himikos said

"Yo hey Chabashira-chan!"

"Hey guys.. I need help with something.."

"Sure what is it?" Himiko responded to tenko

"Well there's this Feeling i feel when ever I'm around this particular person.."

"What do you Feel??" Kokichi asked

"I feel like I want to be with them all the time, Also I suddenly turn red when I think about them... and I go through some nervous excitement when I see them" tenko explained her Feels to the short Beings which one happened to be asleep

"Was she not Listening?" Tenko said as she looked at Himiko

"She fell asleep half way through but I definitely know why your feeling this way.." Kokichi said as he Smirked

"Huh?? What is it?" Tenko asked obliviously

"Your inlove tenko!" Kokichi said out of  excitement

"I'm inlove!?"

"Hmm now tell me who it is!"

"Tell who is what?" Himiko asked waking up

"Tenkos inlove himiko!"

"With Who?"

"Idk who but I'm trying to get it outta her"

Tenko just sat there when a lovely shade of Pink covered her face

"Come on tenko we want help you get together!" Kokichi said

"Is a girl or a boy?" Himikos asked

"It's... I can't tell you you will laugh at me" Tenko said

"No we wont" Oumeno said seriously

"Fine I like male"

Kokichi jaw dropped to the ground

"You... inlove with a guy?!" Kokichi screamed his lungs out

"Yeah so what?" Tenko said as she crossed her hands and turned the other way

"No it's nothing just didn't expect a male" kokichi said as he ate coffee jelly

"Can i have some of that coffee jelly" Himiko asked kokichi

"here I was full anyway" Kokichi said giving himiko a new spoon for the remaining of the coffee jelly

"Thank you.." said Himiko as she took the coffee jelly and leaned on kokichis shoulder to eat

"So tenko who is the lucky Guy?" Kokichi said as he patted Himiko on the head

Tenko once again turned Pink

"You gonna stay silent forever? Kokichi asked

"... no but.."

"Then whos the guy"


"Tenko please just Admit it we want to help you" Himiko said as she ate

"Just Admit it already silly!" Kokichi said as he shook tenko who was lost in thoughts

"Okay okay!"

A/N: wow sorry this took time to write and I like how I made Oumeno really Nosy people. Well Tenko admitted it and I will try to get the next Chapter out as soon as possible I promise!


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