Chapter 3:a Hang out with a male?!

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No ones Pov:

Kokichi was shocked to the point he needed to be slapped back to reality

"You... like my brother?!"

"He's your brother?!" Tenko shouted

"Duh you didn't know my middle name is Amami?"

"No.. but anyway there I told you who it was!"

"Then it's gonna be hard to win his heart but we'll help right himiko!"

Himiko put a thumbs up since she was drinking Some Juice

"Your in for Challenges tenko, because Rantaros Popularity has its down falls which means many people like him"

"Think of them as your rivals that we will eliminate" himiko said

"We aren't going to Kill anyone chill" kokichi said before tenko responded to himikos comment

"Then what should I do first?" Tenko asked

"You should start by getting to know Amami-kun" himiko said

"You can actually try to get to know Ranatro and then see if you actually like him"

"Fine, but what does he like?"

"Rantaro likes going to Boba Cafe you can ask him there today his schedule is free this after noon"

"Yeah alright!" Tenko said putting some positivey in her soul

Bell Rang announcing lunch Is over!!

"Bye Chabashira-chan!" Kokichi waved as he went to class dragging himiko

"Bye tenko.." himiko said as she Yawned and went to class with kokichi

"Bye see you guys later"

"Okay Tenko which class do you have now" Tenko thought talking to her self

"I have Biology! My luck Amami-san is in that classroom!!"

Tenko had went to her locker grabbed her biology book and headed to class

Tenko saw that Amami was not here yet so she picked a seat in the back

"Hey is this Seat taken Chabashira-chan?" Tenkos luck a Green haired Male has decided to sit next to her

"No not at all..." Tenko said gloomily

Rantaro had then took the seat beside tenko

"Ugh forget it Tenko he's never going to like you anyway so just give up!" Tenko thought

"You alright Chabashira-chan?" Rantaro asked

"..listen I wanted to get closer to some of the Males that I personally think are good people and I wanted you to be one of them" Tenko just blurted out

"You think I'm a good person? Aww that sweet of you Chabashira-chan!" Rantaro said smiling

"I-its not a big deal" tenko said turning around blushing

"Hey Tenko?"

"Huh what is it?" Tenko answered

"Do you wanna go get Boba with me After School?"

"You want me to go with me?" Tenko said shocked

"Ofcourse i mean I like being around you tenko!" He said as he Smiled

"Alright then.." tenko said

"Great!" Rantaro responded

It was around 3:06 when school was finally out for a day and Tenko was at her locker taking the books she need for the afternoon

"Hey Chabashira-chan how did it go?!" Kokichi popped out of no where scaring tenko

"Hiyya!" Tenko said as she Kicked him


"Sorry.. you scared me!" Tenko said Apologsing

"Well it didn't exactly hurt but whatever how did go with Taro?"

"Well he asked me to go with him after school to get boba" tenko replied

"He asked you?!" Kokichi cried


"Then your lucky because he never usually asks girls to go anywhere with him"

"Hey kokichi do you know his Sexuality?"

"Oh! Rantaros a Bisexual Fella" kokichi replied smirking

"Oh.. should have guessed" tenko replied

"Anyway have fun on your Date!" Kokichi teased running off

"It's not a Date ! KOKICHI!" Tenko yelled as she was now A Tomato

"Hey tenko your ready to go?" Rantaro said scaring tenko

"Ahh!" Tenko said turning around scared

"You people need to stop scaring me!"

Rantaro Chuckled at Tenkos reaction

Tenko blushed out of embarrassment

"Okay okay, I'm sorry for scaring you tenko"

"Whatever!" Tenko said quickly

"You ready to go?" Rantaro asked

"Yeah but first I just need to grab some of my books you can wait for me at the entrance I won't take long"

"No no it's fine I can wait for you"

"Okay I got my book we can go!" Tenko said starting

A/n: sorry this took long and I'm done thus cahoter hope you enjoyed it and will be patient for chapter 4

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2022 ⏰

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