Chapter 1: i like A Degenerate?!

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Tenkos Pov:

Today was another day in Hopes peaks academy as I walking in to the Academy through the entrance

"Good Morning Tenko!" A female Blonde called out

"Oh good morning Kaede!!" I responded heading over to the small bench Kaede was sitting in

"How's your day going so far?" Kaede asked

"Terrible ig I Accidentally broke my alarm clock and I have Geometry as my first class and Many Degenerates are in that class!" I ranted

"Oh dont worry Tenko I'm sure it will get better! and I heard amami-Kun was in that Class can you tell him I said hello?" Kaede Told me to ig make me feel better

"Alright.. bye Kaede!" I said as I was going to the hallway were my Locker was located

I walked up to my Locker and took my Geometry books and started heading to class

I Hated that class it was full of degenerate Males that only thought about se-

I was caught off when I entered the Classroom to see a green tea headed male sitting in peace reading

He was sitting In the back of the classroom with another desk next to him

I knew amami-San from my first year and he wasn't like all these other degenerates so it was best I sit next to him not another degenerate Since this period was only filled with Males

"Good morning Tenko!" He greeted me with a smile that was a new sudden beam of sunlight

"Dont good morning me you degenerate!" I yelled

"How about you sit next to me since this year Teruteru is also in this class and he seems a lot interested in you?"

"Ugh you mean that Perverted Degenerate Cook?!" Tenko

"Yeah.. so how about you sit next to me this Class?"

Amami-san isn't that Bad unlike the other degenerates in this class so ig he was the only I could trust for now..

"Yeah alright but if you touch me I won't hesitate to Drag your ass down got it?!" I yelled

"Hmhm I got it" Amami-san said as he Smiled a smile I couldn't never forget

I felt my Face go red!

"Tenko hey are you okay? your face is red"

"Yeah I'm fine!!" I said, I was still red

"Are you sure you don't need to go to the nurse I could help you if you need to go there"

"I don't need a degenerates helps!" I said

"If you say your alright" Rantaro said returning to his book

"Um Kaede wanted to.. for me To tell she says Hi..." I said embarrassed

"Oh thanks for delivering the message" Rantaro said as he Smiled again

I went red again!

I got up and rushed to the restroom quickly

I opened the water Tap and washed My face

"Ugh why I'm a still red?!" I thought angrily

What is this feeling? Why do I feel this when I'm around the Dumb green tea looking Male?

Do I like that Male?!

Words: 530

A/n: Hello everyone this my new Book hope you enjoy it and I will update and please leave a Vote that will help me update it

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