Part 1

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Changing Points of view

Supreme Leader POV:
It's another day. I wake up peacefully as always. I check the status of my planet and people. No changes in population, status, or situation. The machines here are still working. The people are content, or at least are acting like it. I go back to watching the screens I have in front of me. Hopefully, and as far as I can tell, it should be an uneventful day, as always.

Hours go by as I nap a bit. But quite suddenly, my intrusion alarm flares loudly. Wide awake, I check the scanners around my planet. There's a ship I've never seen before approaching. I descend from my usual perch and warn my people, and then hear a huge crash noise. I send some of my soldiers to investigate, and they head in the direction of the crash site. I rise back into my home and check some things, and then watch my screens.

There's the ship, a little ways outside my palace. Some guy comes out with a bunch of his own crew, I've never seen them before. My people are watching them from behind piles of trash. Good hiding on their part. After the leader gets a little ways and his crew has made a bunch of noise, my people come out from their hiding places and arrest them. They start bringing them to me, good.

As they are escorted into my courtyard, his crew looks scared but he looks oddly calm. I assign punishments to them for their invasion, and he comes forward and starts trying to explain their arrival. He says they've come to bring me a gift. A gift? I don't need any gifts. Then he calls me beautiful, which I like but doubt he actually thinks so. But when I question him he answers with "Beautiful within." Is he kidding right now? I am damn beautiful inside AND out, just like this! And if he really doubts it he can bite me and leave.

But then all of a sudden... I don't believe this! He just comes in here to this beautifully horrible world and acts like it's a bad thing! So I've sent all my happy, loyal people after him, and he starts singing. He thinks he can just come in here and destroy my awful world with goodness... It hurts! My head hurts terribly! Oh! Wrapping my arms around it is no help. He is just too noisy to block out! Someone help! Wait. What is he doing? He's... Coming closer... He... AAARRRRGH!! What is this awful blue light he's got me covered in?! Get it off, get it off!

Hmm... perhaps if I tidied up my world it would be a happier place... AAH! NO! What is this? I love my trashful world! It is the perfect place for all of my people to live! Or at least it was, until he... changed them into people that look like they're from the Milisolearth system, that horrible disgusting place where planet Earth sits. People there haven't got the message yet; they haven't trashed their planet enough. And there are also people there that are trying to get that process to stop. Although, people there do seem to really enjoy life, maybe if... NO! STOP THIS RIGHT NOW! I think he is trying to turn me into one of them! I can't let this happen!

I shut my eyes as tight as I can and cover my ears with my hands and shake my head as fast and hard as I can. As far as I can tell it works; As I snap out of the wires and machinery I usually keep wrapped up in the blue light shoots away from me to a wall across the way. The wall turns from a wonderful filthy black and greenish to a... yuck! Pure white! Disgraceful! There also is a mirror on the top of it now, and as I snap my beautiful bat-like wings out of my back, flap them slowly at first as they haven't been out in many years, and lift off the ground as that guy spins away and turns back towards me looking as though he has no intention of stopping or giving up.

I flap faster and easily dodge another shot of blue light that comes at me. I get higher and higher and... Is that me? On the newly disgusting white wall there is that reflective spot, and on it is a disgustingly "beautiful" person that moves as I move and has angel wings! Oh no! I have to get out of here now! He may have managed to defile my world and my friends with goodness, but never me!

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