Part 3

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I wake up to being thrown off of the soft couch and onto the hard floor. "Ouch," I complain. Fuzzball is in the air, so I'm guessing it didn't hit anything in that sudden jolt of motion. "What was that?" I mumble, rubbing sleep out of my eyes. The door to this room opens and he's standing in the doorway. "What was that?" I ask again now that I know he can hear.

"I don't know, I wasn't watching. I was looking for you." He shrugs. "I thought you should follow me back."

I shake my head slowly and stand up, wavering a little. "Only if I won't be thrown around anymore."

"Well I can't promise that, considering I have no idea what the original cause of you being thrown in the first place was."

"You're crazy, you know that?" The red creature lands on my shoulder again. I look at it. "Why do you suddenly like me so much? I mean it's been what, half an hour since I met you and my shoulder is now suddenly your favorite?" I say with a giggle. I hear its telepathical laugh as I pick up my bag and we start walking.

Supreme Leader POV:
I've been flying for several hours. The dark blank spot ahead of me is where I'm going. There're a few planets there but all the stars are either black holes or dead. Finally I can live in the darkness I grew up knowing and loving. I can only hope the psycho that ruined my planet doesn't come after this galaxy.

"Well you can't tell me that was just caused by nothing." There is nothing anywhere around us that could have caused that jolt and none of these scanner things have picked up anything around us within the past few hours.

"I never said that, but it wasn't caused by anything on the outside." His calmness is really irritating me for some odd reason.

"Wait... what on the inside may have caused it?"

"I don't know. Maybe the system crashed."

"Very funny." I lightly hit him on the arm.

He pushes a few buttons that I have no idea what to even begin to guess at what they are for, and the whole thing shudders so intensely that I wonder if it's about to blow apart. Then a splutter sound echoes and dies away and then everything is awfully silent. It jerks forward throwing us again (except, of course, for Fuzzball and its ever-so-convenient wings) and then stops... and everything else dies away as the whole thing goes dark. Pitch dark.

"Please don't tell me this is one of those ships that runs completely on electricity and has no actual windows..." I don't believe this. I just lay flat on my stomach and wait for some kind of light to come on. That is, until something trips over me. "Hey, watch it!"

"I can't really 'watch it', it's a bit too dark for that." I hear him answer.

I curl up in a small ball with my bag on my back, hoping I don't take up too much space anymore. Then I feel small feet on my side. Being extremely ticklish, that makes me flinch and sit up brushing at my side trying to get whatever was on it off of it.

Hey, what was that for? I hear as something hits the floor, not hard but not exactly soft either.

"Sorry, I couldn't help it..."

"Wait what? Couldn't help what? Who are you talking to?"

"I uh... felt Fuzzball land on me and when I sat up I think I threw it off by accident..." In that instant I forgot he could hear me but not Fuzzball. By the sound of his voice I don't think he's moved since he tripped over me. Sitting up in this pitch-blackness feels weird. I close my eyes, and then open them again because it literally makes absolutely no difference. "So... what exactly are we going to do now?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2022 ⏰

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