Part 2

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I wake up again back on the couch, but I don't remember ever falling asleep a second time. The last thing I remember is that sales guy and something else happened but I don't remember what. Oh yea, maybe it was the window I was remembering. Someone asking about the window...

Even as I sit bolt upright I know what had to have happened. I scream just because I need to. There is no way that could've been prevented. There were about ten different emotions in that scream. I pass out backwards but despite not being able to move I am technically fully conscious. I hear someone–or something— come closer and maybe too close but I can't make myself move to throw something at him. But aside from that I don't have anything to throw either. And it would be really stupid, I mean it's not like I want him to leave again. I really want to do something though, I have to get the aggression out. I mean I already broke the window but I don't know how I am going to pay to fix it. He walks away and I just sit there helpless to do anything else.

When I finally fully wake up again, I find myself involuntarily punching a hole through the back of my sofa. Damn it, more replacement funds I don't have. I yawn and try to get ahold of all this loneliness that has turned into extreme desperation. And now the cause of it has come back, but rather than evaporating, it turned into rage. Now I am in danger of killing my house trying not to physically hurt him. This could be a problem. I have major anger management issues. But I didn't, until he left. What the hell is wrong with me anyway? I keep passing out and breaking things. My ADHD might have something to do with it.

But I think I've calmed down now. Hopefully I can face him now without breaking the wall or a mirror or... whatever. I wander through the house until I find him again. "Where the hell have you been?" My voice sounds more like a growl than a question. As he turns to face me again I get really tense. I don't know how to react to this and have no idea what he might say. Or what I might say.

"I wasn't sure how you were going to react, since I just came back without warning..."

In less than a few moments I am across the room and somehow, without attacking him, I'm just holding him like I haven't seen him in four years. Oh yea, that's probably because I haven't. "You... You...! Where have you been? Do you have any idea how long it's been?" Then I just stop talking. He never really saw my feelings, so this is probably a completely unexpected reaction. I tear myself away from him and back off slowly, then I turn and run back out to the sofa. Yea, the one with the hole in it. He apparently followed me after I got there.

"No, I don't know how long it's been. Time passes differently out in space. I have no idea when a day here has passed or not, there isn't a sunrise and sunset everyday at the same time. If I knew anything about keeping track of the time here while I was out there, I would." He says this like it makes a huge difference and makes everything better and ok. However, this could not be further from the truth.

"There is no justification for a four year silence." My voice seems full of venom and I can't stop it from sounding like that. "I don't mean to sound like this but it has been..." I try really, really hard not to yell, and fail miserably. "FOUR. FREAKING. LONG. YEARS. You—you have no idea..." Tears begin to well in my eyes.

He looks at me with some kind of... something... in his eyes. He used to do that a lot. And it works every time. "You don't think I ever saw. I did see it, but I wasn't sure, so I didn't say anything... I waited for you. But you never said anything either. So when you told me to go, I went." He reaches for my hand but I draw back a bit, shaking my head. "I wouldn't stay away for that long on purpose, you know that. I stayed with you for all that time before I left."

I shake my head again with a small involuntary smile coming on, the tears that built up falling and no replacements following. "Stop using that voice. Stop it right now." The smile broke through. He starts laughing.

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