(7) Enhanced

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"Y'know, I think it's safe to assume that Mirabel's dead." Camilo concludes, sitting on the stairs in defeat.

"Well, aren't you optimistic?" I sarcastically say with a grin, sitting down next to him. "Where else could she be? I think we've searched this whole house top to bottom at least three times now."

"Exactly. She's gotta be dead."

Out of nowhere, bright colorful plants start sprouting up around us. Camilo and I quickly stand up, right as a patch of cacti grows where we were sitting. "That was close!" Camilo exclaims.

I look up to the roof, where Mirabel and another girl were singing and dancing together, as plants of all shapes and sizes grow around them. "Look!" I exclaim, nudging Camilo and pointing at the two. "It's Mirabel!"

"Is that...Isabela?!" He gasps, looking at the girl who was getting covered in bright multi-colored pollen from the plants.

I shake my head in disbelief. "There's no way! Isabela can only create flowers...not whatever these plants are." I say, gesturing to the plants around us. My theory is proven wrong when Mirabel and Isabela come sliding down from the roof and into a pile of flowers, laughing. "I stand corrected." I simply say.

Camilo stares at the girls with wide eyes. "That's something you don't see every day."

I kneel down and admire the beautiful exotic flowers surrounding us. "I think these plants look way better than what Isabela grew before," I comment. "It's like she's enhanced her powers."

Camilo plucks one from the ground and twirls it in his fingers. "She does seem way happier now." He says, sticking the blue flower in my hair.

I look at him and we both turn pink. Camilo scratches the back of his head awkwardly. Before either of us can say anything, Alma comes bursting through the front door and stares and the sisters who are still laying in the pile of flowers.

"What is going on here?!" She asks with uneasiness.

Isabela and Mirabel quickly sit up.

Mirabel excitedly walks over to Alma. "Isabela wasn't happy-"

"Of course, she's not happy! You ruined her proposal-" Alma says cutting her off.

"She needed me to ruin her proposal, and then we did all this," Mirabel gestures to all the plants growing around us. "And the candle burned brighter, and the cracks stopped. That's why I'm in the vision, I'm saving the miracle!" Mirabel happily exclaims.

"YOU HAVE TO STOP MIRABEL!" Alma says, her voice rising. She takes a breath. "The cracks started with you. Bruno left, because of you. Luisa's losing her powers, Isabela's out of control, and it's all because of you! I don't know why you weren't given a gift, but it is not an excuse for you to hurt this family!"

As Mirabel's face falls, I feel the anger in me growing. I started walking down to stand up for Mirabel, but Camilo grabs my hand. "Don't," He softly says. "Yelling back will only make it worse."

I sigh, knowing he was right.

"I'll never be good enough for you." She slowly says. "Luisa will never be strong enough. Isabella won't be perfect enough. Bruno left this family because you only saw the worst-"

"Bruno didn't care about this family!" Alma shoots back, her voice trembling.

"He loves this family." Mirabel firmly says. "I love this family, we all love this family, you're the one that doesn't care! You're the one breaking our home!"

Alma's face fumes with anger. "Don't you ever-"

"THE MIRACLE IS DYING, BECAUSE OF YOU!!" Mirabel yells back.

Their arguing is interrupted by a new sound.


Huge cracks begin crawling across the floor. The stairs begin shaking and start crumpling to the ground, from the bottom up. Camilo and I run towards the upper level. My foot slips and the stairs collapse from beneath me right before I make it to the second floor. I grab onto the railing and look down at the pile of sharp wood and stone beneath me. "Camilo! Help!!!" I cry out, feeling my grip begin to loosen.

"(Yn)!" Camilo gasps, shapeshifting into a strong man to pull me up. He quickly shapeshifts back into himself. "You, okay? Are you hurt anywhere?" he worriedly asks, eyeing me up and down.

"I think I'm okay-"

"Casita, get me up there!"

We both turn and see Mirabel slowly making her way towards the candle, as the house crumbles below her.

"She's going to get herself killed! MIRABEL! Get down from there!!" I yell at her. I can feel my stomach churning with worry.

Camilo quickly darts towards her. I had to respect Camilo's drive to keep his family and friends safe, but he was running right into danger! I notice a loose beam cracking in the ceiling. "CAMILO WATCH OUT!!" I cry out. I cover my eyes, too afraid to look. Camilo hears me just in time to shapeshift into a little kid to avoid the falling debris. He shapeshifts into an adult to leap over a pile of rubble, right as Isabela grabs onto a vine and swings to Mirabel. Just before she's able to reach her little sister, the vine turns to ash and Isabela falls to the ground. Camilo launches himself through the air towards Mirabel and right when he's about to grab onto the side of the roof to climb up to her, his magic completely fades, and he turns into himself again. Camilo falls to the ground with a thud.

I can hear Mirabel's whole family begging her to come down, but she blocks them out and keeps climbing. "Mirabel! It's not worth it!" I shout. Either she didn't hear me, or she ignored me because Mirabel didn't respond. I couldn't believe that my first real friend was in danger, and I couldn't do anything to help her. I felt so helpless. How could she be this desperate to prove herself to her family?

I'm about to shout to Mirabel again when I suddenly hear the floor cracking beneath my feet. Before I have the chance to run, I drop right through the crumbling floor and towards the ground. This time, Camilo wasn't waiting for me with outstretched arms below.

The last thing I could remember was my hand reaching for the blue flower Camilo gave me as it flew out of my hair.



The Real You (Camilo x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now