How it all started

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Um hi my name is dallas and I'm a 5'6 non-binary person. I um my whole name is Dallas Miguel Reed , I would tell you guys my dead name but you know Itz a dead name for a reason. I'm 15 and in love wit my best friend of nine years. His name is zach brown, he's so hot !! He's a tall light skin with soft skin and beautiful lips . He's so kind and gentle and smart and he has the cutest smile and he's just so amazing.  Well that's at least what I thought. I decided to tell zach I liked him.
Bestie boo😗💙
Today at 10:39
Me : Can you explain why we aren't together?... you don't have to im jus curious
Bestie boo😗💙: I have a girlfriend plus I don't want to hurt you ,so maybe wait to see your options.
Me: Ok that's understandable but if you didn't wanna be in a relationship with me , then why do you act like you like me ?!
Bestie boo😗💙: because I did..
Me: So you don't anymore
Bestie boo😗💙: I'll keep that one a secret for now ;3
Me : I mean I kinda wanna know so I don't keep hoping I have a chance when I don't....
Bestie boo😗💙: you always have a chance
Me: I'm gonna be honest bc why not I have nothing to lose atp. Being around you makes me happy and I like the way you make me feel and I wish I could call you mine but I'm being patient and trying not to be jealous but seeing you with anyone else makes me kinda mad
Bestie boo😗💙: it's right to feel jealous, and I understand that
Me : We still going to my moms job for lunch tomorrow after third period?
Bestie boo 😗💙: big maybe because I have to sit with my teacher for make up
Me : ok just let me know
Bestie boo 😗💙: "Bestie boo😗💙 liked message"

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