Mixed emotions

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Dallas Pov

I'm chillin in Zach's car and he started playing a beat I really like for one of his new songs and a bunch of words started flowing in my head so I started singing

"All around me 10 thousand flyer flies
Your nothing like all of these other guys
Your pretty smart and you're amazing
I just wanna love on you baby
When I see you I always tend to smile
"Oh you're here? How about you stay a while "
Did you know you broke my heart baby
And now I'm starting to go crazy
I think about you even when I close my eyes
I thought you weren't like all these other guys
I hate you so much I can almost taste it
Look at all this love that you waisted
Uh oh the misery
Can't you see what you do to me
I love you but I hate you
And no one can replace you(oh)
All around me 10 thousand dragon flys
Come on babe just look me in my eyes
Why the hell did you do this to me
I guess it's my fault I'm so sorry
When I see you yes I still tend to smile
"Oh your here ? How about to you stay a while "
Please stay I don't want you to go (oh)
But feelings for you ? Never again no no
Sike I lied I think I still love you
Even though you broke my heart in two
Yes I think your still amazing
Come on let's try again baby
Uh oh the misery
Can't you see what you do to me
I love you but I hate you
And no one can replace you
Uh oh the misery
Can't you see what you do to me
I love you but I hate you
And no one can replace you
Even if they tried "
When I finished he just stared at me and the way he looked at me made me wanna risk it all , so I leaned in and kissed him and he kissed back after putting his hands on my face . I climbed out my seat and sat on his lap and we started making out . His lips trailed down my face to my neck and I couldn't help but moan , I then felt him get hard under me . He put one hand on my throat and slightly squeezed and the other on my ass . We made out for 5 minutes then I realized what I had done and pulled away .

Zach Pov

They sounded so beautiful even though I knew that song was about me I couldn't do anything but admire their beauty.They pulled away from me and a little piece in me had broke . "Why did you pull away ?, don't you want this ?" They looked down " Of course I want this , that's the problem zach I want this so much that I forgot you had a girlfriend " I put my hand on their chin and looked them  in the eyes " Mommy please I need this " We got in the back seat and I layed them down . The kiss was sweet and everything I wanted. As soon as I took my shirt off their mom called
Ma Dukes🧸💕
Ma: Where the hell are y'all?
D: My bad ma we just got in the car
Ma: Hurry the hell up so I can make this food
D: Yes ma'am
Ma : Love ya bye
D and me : Bye ma ,love you to
Dallas Pov
I looked at him and he looked down on me because he's on top of me . I put my hand on his cheek . He tilted my head to the side " Put on my hoodie ma gone see the hickeys on your neck " he handed me his hoodie. I kissed his cheek "Thank you my luv " he leaned down and kissed me "Your welcome beautiful " I covered my face to hide my blush . He laughed and we got back in the front and drove to my moms job .

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