I'm sorry ok ?

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Zach's Pov

"DALLAS PLEASE SHUT UP AND LET ME TALK " they looked down " I didn't mean to yell I'm sorry but I didn't mean to make you feel like this at all, I really do like you but you turned on me , how am I supposed to know you won't do it again?" they started crying "I know I know,Im still mad at myself for believing it but at the time so many people were telling me you were messing wit other people and then when patty told me I lost my shit because I never would've thought he would lie to me and i wanted to believe you and i really really am sorry that i believed someone else I knew I hurt you but it hurt so bad because I didn't want it to be true but everyone kept putting things in my head so I just I don't know I kind of lost it " I was pissed , who told them I was talking to other people?!?! I would never do that to them " who the fuck tells you that? is it cause Bella sexually harassed me? or that I liked Lexi? or Audrey? they were the ones I liked and I regret liking one of them. Or is it because I hang with fuckboys" they looked away from me "I don't even remember who it was because  of how many people it was " they know but they don't know "Also I'm still sorry about the whole turning on you thing but I want you to know I tried so hard to ignore everything they said but after weeks of hearing it and then patrick saying what he said I couldn't take it anymore because it it hurt to think you would do that to me " i get that "I understand, I just wish you would've believed me when I told you it wasn't true" they grabbed my face and rested their forehead on mine " I know and I'm so sorry , by the time I realized you were telling the truth it was to late " i kissed them" I forgive you my cutie "

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