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Dallas Pov
I got in zach's car and as soon as I got in he grabbed me by the chin and kissed me and pulled me to the back. He unbuttoned my shirt and kissed down my body , I couldn't help but moan "But what about your girlfriend " he stopped and looked up at me "I don't have a girlfriend anymore " WAIT WHAT?!?! "What do you mean you don't have a girlfriend anymore?" "I broke up with her " "Why?" "Because I wasn't happy " damn " You ok my love?" He smiled "Better than ever beautiful"He went back down and put his hands in my pants "Ohhhh " god what is he doing to me.

Zach's Pov
They look so pathetic but so beautiful,god the lust in their eyes are everything I wanted and more "How does that feel princess " "FUCKKK" just what I wanted " You're so good for me baby " they're gripping the seat hard "UGHHHH~I'm close Im so closeee" "Not here my love,not here" as soon as I pulled my hand out they put it back in . They looked at me with the most needy lustful eyes I've ever seen " I need it...I need you" "Fuckkk that did something to my soul, but not here"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2022 ⏰

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