Mixed emotions pt 2

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Zach's Pov

We left their moms job after eating and they seem a little off . I drive to my house since we told ma we weren't going back to school and my parents are out of town and my siblings are at school. " What's bothering you beautiful?" they shed a tear, I grab their chin "Mama what's wrong " they looked at me with tears in their eyes " The reasons I fell for you and got attached to you is because you made me feeling something after feeling nothing for a while , you made me feel like nothing else in this world even fuckn mattered and now all that is gone because you don't want me for reasons only you know. I gave you my time , my patients and my affection and those are things I do not hand out to people , I've told you some things about me most people don't know so there's no way in hell you can blame me for feeling like you played me and threw everything all away . My time and effort has been waisted on a guy I thought I could be happy with...and the fucked up part is you're my best friend so I can't even be mad at you " I don't know what to say... "Dallas I-" they cut me off "You don't get to say you're sorry because everytime you do you stop doing what ever the hell this is then randomly start again and you don't get to feel bad because you never feel bad enough to break up with your girlfriend and be with me like you always say you want to and you never feel bad enough to just stop doing this to me and just let me be happy by myself " "Dallas I-" "No zach-"  omg why won't they let me speak "DALLAS PLEASE SHUT UP AND LET ME TALK "

~To be continued~

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