Our Mission
Here in Sunflower Reading Group, it's our mission to help you get the feedback you need to grow as writers and reviewers, as well as providing some interesting reads. This is a certain type of book club where you're split into groups instead of into pairs. We're hoping you'll get to know the people in your group really well, growing your writer resources.
If you have an interesting story to contribute or simply want to work on your review skills, please join!
How It Works
You will be put in groups based on genre preferences and have to read two chapters of an assigned book per week, commenting your feedback. The amount of people per group and stories you should read will change as the reading group grows. Our admins will check your comments to make sure you completed your feedback requirement, and the member with the most helpful feedback from the previous week will be chosen as the Book of the Week, which everyone in the reading group has to read. Check out the 'How It Works' chapter for more information on how this book club works.
Our Admins
The admins for this project are:
Overall admin: Cassie (no username)
Comment checkers: TBD
We are looking for another overall admin and comment checkers! Please fill out the form in our bio or PM us if interested.
We do have a Sunflower Community Discord server! Once you've been accepted as an official member (after your trial is over) PM us or comment here and we'll send you the link. It is not required.
Other Sunflower Community Projects
If you're interested in a book club where you get a little more exposure by being put into pairings with everyone in the book club rather than a small group every week, check out Sunflower Book Club! Unlike Sunflower Reading Group, you're guaranteed to have one person read your book every week, rather than four or five people read it once every few weeks.
If you're looking for a book club to get better quality feedback, check out Sunflower Writing Circle! It works the same way as Sunflower Book Club, just with a higher level of critique required. If you have the reviewing skill to be able to join, you definitely should consider it for getting much more detailed critiques.
The Sunflower Awards, which we now run annually, are another great way to get feedback (from judges) and also win cool prizes! If our awards aren't open when you check, don't worry because the next ones will be open soon.
What You'll Get
Reads and Comments - Both are required each week, so you should get plenty of reads and comments from this book club.
Friends and Followers - What we're really hoping you'll get out of this experience is making friends with the others in your group, growing your writer network and gaining (also giving!) support to one another. We're really hoping you and the members in your group get closer and get to know each other outside of this book club.
Feedback - Obviously, you'll get feedback from the other members as you participate in the reading group, getting help on your story.
Reviewing Skill - We're hoping the longer you stay in the reading group, the more you'll learn from other members and be able to pick up things you wouldn't have been able to pick up before. As you come across different books and different reviewers, you should learn a few things about reviewing yourself.
That's it for the intro! Continue onto the next chapter for more on what special vocab we use, how this book club is run specifically, help on meeting feedback requirements, and the form to join.
Sunflower Reading Group - A Book Club
RandomIn the Sunflower Reading Group, members are put in groups based on reading preferences, and each group is assigned two chapters of one book to read per week. New assignments are posted on Mondays ET. All books and people are welcome, apply inside!