Bloom 7 Discussion

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Hello everyone! It's time for Bloom 7's Discussion Questions! You need to write 5 sentences for our question and 5 sentences for your spotlighted author's—that is, the spotlighted person in your group—question(s). Whether they have 1 or 2 questions doesn't matter; you need to write 5 sentences total for them regardless. That means 10 sentences total!

If your spotlighted author did not submit any discussion questions this week, you only have to do our question, which means only 5 sentences total. But that's only if there's no question(s) posted for them. If you are the spotlighted author, you don't have to answer any of the questions for this week.

These discussion questions are for BLOOM 7! Do NOT reply here if you're doing the discussion questions for another bloom. Bloom 8's discussion questions will be posted a week from now. Any responses for a different week in this chapter will be ignored.

You have a week (until next Thursday) to answer these questions. If you answer before the next bloom is posted (by Monday), your thoughtfulness will significantly help your chances of becoming the next BotW. So please think of 10 sentences more as the bare minimum, go above and beyond!

THESE QUESTIONS ARE ONLY FOR THE SPOTLIGHTED AUTHOR, NOT THE BOTW! If you want to be generous and answer any of these questions for the Book of the Week, go ahead, but it's not required and will not help your chances of becoming the next Book of the Week.

Doing inlines for each question would be great, but you could also do them in 1 big outline comment together.

If you are a seedling, you DO NOT have to answer any of these questions. These are only for people in groups.


SunflowerCommunity Question

The hook is an important aspect to any story, especially on Wattpad where many books are published before completion. So do you feel that your group member's story has an adequate hook? What carries you from chapter to chapter? Are there any moments that feel dull to you, any moments where you don't want to continue reading? And which moments during your reading have you found to be the most engaging, the moments where you didn't want to put the book down?

And now would be a great time to Google the term profluence (if you don't know it already) and try to work that writing term into your answer! 


Please tag the spotlighted author in your responses!

Group 1 - holysacrilege Questions

1) Throughout the course of the book, I (holysacrilege) have always strived for realistic but unique characters. With that, I've tried to make characters seem strange and unique. Does the dialogue and the description of the characters help to create that feel?

2) The motif of the oleander is a major one in the book. Up to this point in the story, what do you associate with that motif?

Group 2 - Moon_G0ddess Questions

1) Does the story have enough mystery to hold your curiosity? Or is obvious where things are going to end up?

2) Do the first chapters have a hook? Or do you think the plot is a bit dull and doesn't have much to compel the readers to read further?


And if you have anything exciting to share (your new book, reaching a top ranking, or even your birthday) please do (either via comment or PM)! We really want to celebrate your accomplishments with the rest of the group. :)

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