Want to be an admin for this project? Intrigued but not sure of an admin's responsibilities? Don't even know what an admin is? This chapter is here to help!
An admin, short for administrator, is someone who is responsible for running one of our projects. Here at Sunflower, we separate admins by project. You will only have responsibilities for one project—in this case, Sunflower Reading Group—unless you choose to do more. We generally advise against being an admin for more than one project because it increases your workload, but we may allow it, depending on the admin's qualifications and other commitments.
For this project, there are two types of admins: the manager and the comment checker. The names are fairly self-explanatory, but I will still describe them below if unclear.
The manager manages everything. They create the weekly blooms, assign members to groups, manage the seedling trials, keep track of time off, and more. They must know the ins and outs of the reading group. While you don't have to be on Wattpad daily, it is highly recommended, just in case something pops up. No matter what, they need to be online every Thursday (for discussion posts), Sunday and Monday (for bloom posts). Prior managing experience is preferred, book club experience is required.
The comment checker checks comments. That's essentially it. They accept seedlings and make sure members are meeting the comment requirements. They only need to be active on Sundays and Mondays to check the comments, but we prefer them to be active more often in case an emergency pops up or something. Reviewing or book club experience is required for this position.
Like all Sunflower admin positions, both of these positions require Discord. No exceptions.
For more information on other Sunflower Community admin positions, check out the Admins chapter of the Sunflower Community Book on our profile.
If interested, please PM or fill out the form in our bio (NOTE: The form only seems to show up to those on the web version, so if on mobile just PM us for the link). Further inquiries best asked over PM.
We are currently looking to fill both positions! Even if we aren't, you can fill out the admin form; it just might take some time before we have any room for you.
Sunflower Reading Group - A Book Club
RandomIn the Sunflower Reading Group, members are put in groups based on reading preferences, and each group is assigned two chapters of one book to read per week. New assignments are posted on Mondays ET. All books and people are welcome, apply inside!