Before going into the process and everything, we have some rules to go over first.
🌻 You must be okay with mature and LGBTQ+ content. We accept all genres, mature and LGBTQ+ content, as we are a fully inclusive community. You will be split into groups based on genre preferences, so we do take that into account, but we make no promises about mature or LGBTQ+ content. It's best to stay away if you aren't okay with both. If there is enough demand, we will think about adding a group for members who won't read mature material (in which case you can ignore the rule below) and/or a group for stories in the LGBTQ+ genre, where their overall plot revolves around the LGBTQ+ community.
🌻 All books must be in English.
🌻 Your story must adhere to Wattpad's guidelines.
🌻 You need to have at least four chapters, preferably more. If everyone in your group runs out of chapters to read, we will put you on mandatory leave until you have at least two more. This doesn't include prologues, aesthetics, author's notes, or anything along those lines.
🌻 We do accept readers only, if you have no book you want to add in.
🌻 You can change your book at any time, though the end of the term is the best time to do so.
🌻 You can enter in the middle of a term.
🌻 You must follow this account and all admins for this project in order to be accepted.
🌻 Add this book to your library to receive all updates. If you miss an important update, that's on you.
🌻 We do not tolerate bullying of any kind. Any harmful and hurtful comments and/or messages will result in an automatic removal from the reading group. All comments should be helpful and constructive. That being said, please don't complain to us about "unfair" comments if it is just constructive criticism. Criticism can be hurtful, but try to remember that your group member is just trying to help you better your story. All complaints will be reviewed to see if your claims are just. PLEASE don't respond to any comments in a hurtful way! Breathe for a moment, think about the comment(s), and then PM us if it's still bothering you. Responding in a negative way will not help you!
🌻 We appreciate all shoutouts but they are not required.
🌻 You can't enter more than one book.
- After applying, which you do in a comment in the 'Forms' chapter, you will be accepted and labeled as a 'Seedling' in the next bloom, aka each assignment or round. You will be assigned an admin's book to read two chapters of and make constructive comments. Assuming you do it in time and fulfill the guidelines highlighted below and in the next chapter, you will be accepted and labeled as a 'Sunflower'.
- You are able to retrial if you didn't pass the first time, though we recommend waiting until the next term to do so.
- After becoming a 'Sunflower', you'll be put in a group based on your preferred genres to read and the book your genre is in. You will be in the same group as your book, so if your preferences and your book's genre don't line up, we will put you in the group for your book. Please keep this in mind when filling out the form.
Sunflower Reading Group - A Book Club
RandomIn the Sunflower Reading Group, members are put in groups based on reading preferences, and each group is assigned two chapters of one book to read per week. New assignments are posted on Mondays ET. All books and people are welcome, apply inside!