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As we arrived at the shopping centre where Starbucks was Katie and I got out our phones to connect to the wifi. "Jess!" I heard I whipped around and there they were. Liam and Josh. We walked over to them and decided to join the line for coffee.

"Hi, can I take your order?" asked the lady at the counter. "Could I please have a hot chocolate with foam and marshmallows," I replied. I always got the same thing here. I loved the taste of their hot chocolates. "Name?" the lady asked. "Jess," I replied.

The others ordered their drinks whilst I waited for them. As Liam finished ordering his drink I heard a voice. His voice was amazing. "Jess," he said. I turned around it was a man with my hot chocolate. He seemed very young and I hadn't seen him before. I walked up to him, thanked him for my drink and left.

"OMG!" Katie said walking up to me. I was confused. "What?" I asked her. "That's him!" "Who?" I asked again. She took out her phone and opened a message. It was from her sister. It was him. A message was linked with the photo it said, "This is the new boy in the class next door."

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