Pizza? Pizza

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Here I am now 9 years later. Sitting on the sofa watching Frozen with my best friend Katie. We have been best friends ever since reception. She means the world to me. I know nothing will ever separate us. Not even Ashton Irwin could separate us.

As Let It Go came on my brother walked downstairs. "Let It Go!" We sang together. My brother laughed we both turned around startled. He just said "I'm going round to Jacobs, see ya later." "Bye Matt," I said as the front door closed.

As the credits rolled I just looked at Katie. "Pizza?" I said. "No," she said in a sarcastic tone. "Of course I want pizza, pizza is love, pizza is life!" Katie said. We laughed as we made our way to the kitchen. "Mum can we make pizza?" I yelled up the stairs to mum. There was no answer. "Mum?" I said walking up the stairs. I opened mums door and saw a note.

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