Chapter Twenty-Eight | You Took This?

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The air was cold on my face as I woke up, but my body was radiating heat from beside me. My arms wrapped around something tight, and I felt my eyelashes brush fabric as I opened them. "Mm." Adjusting to the newly welcoming light, my sight landed on the figure beside me. Langa was sat up slightly, a book in his hands. His thumb and pinkie finger were holding the pages down while the rest of his hand was holding the book close to his face. His free hand was rested atop my head. Massaging my temple comfortably. "Oh, good morning Reki."

He removed his hand from my head, and I felt a blush creep across my face. How long had he been doing that before I woke up? Why was he acting so domestic? "U-Uhm... Good morning." I blinked a few times, then sat up with Langa. "Are you...Uhm- Are you alright?" My hand reached for where Langas was a moment ago, feeling the heat disappear so quickly was somewhat discouraging first thing in the morning.

"Mm, yeah sorry I woke you up over something so silly." His finger lifted slightly, and a page fluttered to the other side of the book. "It wasn't silly. Everyone has nightmares." I put my hand down from my head and sighed. "Besides, I shouldn't have been mad at you for nothing yesterday." Guilt bubbled up inside me as I took a glance at Langa, putting his book down and running his hand through his hair. "Did you wanna go to the markets today? I heard Cherry and Joe wanted to go there." Langa changed the subject quickly, and I hummed quietly to myself. "Sure, did you wanna buy something?" I slid myself across the bed and collected my shirt that I had thrown on the floor the night before.

"Uhm- No just wanna look." I turned to see my friend looking the other way casually, and I let out a sound in agreement. "Okay cool. I'll tell them we're awake." I stepped outside the bedroom and glanced at the room across from us. This wasn't the first time Langa, and I had cuddled most of a night before. It wasn't only because of nightmares either, even if they were common, they weren't our primary reason. I was a little worried to start the conversation about our relationship, considering we had held hands, cuddled in a bed together, and almost kissed... I wondered what our relationship was. I couldn't tell if I had feelings for Langa, and I didn't want to hurt him in case I didn't. In case I was mistaken, or he got hurt because of me.

When I got downstairs, I caught Joe and Cherry bickering about something. Irritating but not uncommon. At least we couldn't hear them from upstairs, that would have been annoying. "Morning." I took note of what was sitting on the bench in front of the two adults. A plate of toast for Joe and a singular cup of orange juice for Cherry. I wanted to assume that Cherry didn't eat often, but Langa was skinny as well, and he ate almost always. "Morning sleeping beauty. Have a nice sleep?" Joe eyed me off playfully and I narrowed my eyes. "Uh- Yeah I guess so." My eyes looked over to Cherry Blossom, typing away on a computer with one hand, and sighing at a photo in the other. "What's that?"

"Something I took this morning." Joe took over talking and snatched the photo out of Cherrys' hand, "I think it's my best work yet." I didn't even realise that Joe had an interest in photography, so I wasn't exactly sure how to react. "Sure?" I reached out to the photo, and Joe lifted it above his head. "Can ya do something for me first?"

"Huh? Like what?" This was suspicious. If this task I was about to be given was something dumb, then I didn't want to see the stupid photo. I could bet it was just like a tree or the water or something else I could see every day. "I need you to thank me real quick." Confusing, but simple. I mean, there were lots of things that I could thank for Joe from the latest happenings in life. "Uh- Thanks. For saving Langa the other day, and to both of you for letting us stay here."

Joe smiled at me and lowered his arm. I took the photo and looked at it with lines growing on my forehead. I could feel every inch of my body heat up as I completely took in what I was staring at. This was a photo of me. Me and Langa. "Y-You took this?" My face was flushed as I looked up at Joe again, this time irritated by his trickery. "Figured you needed one good memory of your trip yeah?"

I darted my eyes back down at the picture. Langa and I were asleep, arms wrapped around each other, my face snuggled into his chest. The heat only seemed to grow. "Y-You can't go taking photos of us without permission!" My voice shook. But why? It wasn't like they were going to judge us. It wasn't like Joe had copies or posted it on the internet. So why was I so afraid to stare at this photo?

"You can keep it if you like. I don't need it." Joes' voice echoed through my head as I held down all this unwanted anger in me. I didn't need to be angry about it, so why was I? I didn't care about privacy 9 times out of 10. So what was this?

My throat made a noise that I didn't understand, and I doubt anyone else knew what I said either. Then I pocketed the photo and tried to calm myself down. "Reki? Did you ask?" A hand was placed on my shoulder, and I felt my soul jump from my skin. "Gah-!" Langa stood behind me, a soft smile disappearing from his face after he made me jump. "Y-Yeah... Uh- No." I looked back at the adults, one not paying attention, and the other trying to hold back tears and laughter. "We want to come to the markets with you."

"Sure, we'll leave after everyone is ready." Shooed back upstairs, Langa and I agreed that he would shower first, then I could go after him because his hair would take longer to dry so it would be easier for the both of us. When he walked out with a turtleneck on, I felt my eyes draw to his chest. The way the fabric stuck to his skin and outlined his stomach. The bottom of his top tucked into his jeans and how his sleeves stopped right as his muscles grew. I caught myself staring and turned my attention to my own outfit of the day.

My usual yellow jumper, my black singlet, and my blue jeans. It was also almost the only thing I owned so I wasn't about to think any more on what to wear. Instead, I thought about that damned photo. I didn't know what to do with it, but now that I was about to get in the shower, I didn't want it to get wet. What did I want with it? Was I going to keep it? That seemed a little weird. If Langa saw the photo of us like that he'd probably feel a little grossed out with me. It wasn't a bad photo though, just embarrassing to look at.

Right as I was about to step into the shower, Langa called my name. "Yeah?" I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my waist in case he decided to walk in unexpectedly. "I wanted to know... if we could talk later? Like after dark or something?" The water was closer to me, but I could hear Langas' voice so clearly. The way he asked sounded like he was worried to say anything at all. I couldn't imagine why he'd be nervous to ask something like that, it was a pretty simple question. "Sure dude." We stopped the conversation and I stepped into the shower.

Under The Stars. It's Infinite [Reki x Langa]Where stories live. Discover now